OUSA Column Half-Page Takeover

OUSA Column Half-Page Takeover

Winning the half page in the critic was revolutionary for me, a fresher. So in true first-year fashion, I am outing mine and other’s embarrassing fresher moments for any second-years and above who didn’t stop reading after the word ‘fresher’. 

Residential Halls

The defining part of being a fresher is the hall experience. The awkwardness of the first few days subsides and morphs into two semesters worth of getting tipsy on a Wednesday night with your new neighbours. I always love a wee chat with the subbies in this state, and they would probably rather do anything else than listen to my yapping. But hey, that’s part of their job. With hall fees working out to a pretty exorbitant $550 per week, it's no wonder everyone tries to get their money’s worth. For some, that means partaking in all the inter-college sports and activities offered and getting hundreds of photos taken at the college ball. For others, it means getting an extra helping of dessert ‘for your friend’ every night. Each to their own. 

Lost On Campus

I’ll admit to anyone that I have zero sense of direction. I get lost on campus — a lot. Nothing like walking into a second-year law lecture and pretending to get a phone call. It’s not just me, though. I know someone who showed up at their HUBS lab a whole hour early and asked, “Where is the lab?” Classic. Then there’s the Google Maps mishap: walking straight into a pole while trying to find the lecture theatre. Ouch. Feelings get lost on campus, too, like the time when a Tinder match turned out to be a brother’s flatmate. Def not meant to be.

Town Time

Most residents having a bevvy get kicked out of the hall at 10ish on a Saturday, and this never goes without incident. There’s always an ID lost on the way (me) or a student ID rejected from Subs (not guilty). A phone was once drunkenly thrown in the bin; the DCC proved very unhelpful at 1am but a few lock-picking skills later, and we got it back. Running into the hall physics tutor in town and admitting my progress test score also isn’t something I’m proud of. A more unique experience was that time I got a free round of drinks after getting my forehead signed by a local band that the Cats bartender stans. It’s all about those local connections. 

My first year of uni has certainly had its share of cringe-worthy moments. Whether you’re a first-year or a seasoned scarfie, maybe you can relate. Keep reading Critic, freshers.

This article first appeared in Issue 23, 2024.
Posted 8:52pm Sunday 22nd September 2024 by Amelia Harris.