Jan 20 - Feb 18
Should you go out tonight? Yes. Yes you should. Go and buy yourself an aviation cocktail and be sexy and mysterious somewhere. The stars say so.
Movie you should revisit: Kill Bill Vol. I.
Feb 19 - Mar 20
Don’t settle for being treated any other way than what you would accept for your bestie. If you wouldn’t want it for them, you shouldn’t want it for yourself. Know what you’re about! To be cringe is to be free.
Movie you should revisit: Muriel’s Wedding.
Mar 21 - Apr 19
Is it that deep Aries? Like is it REALLY that deep? When was the last time you indulged yourself in a hobby? Read a book? Played an instrument? Maybe focus on that instead.
Movie you should revisit: Silence of the Lambs.
Apr 20 - May 20
You’re learning to step into your power and lead with confidence. Shed that stress and go forth! You got this.
Movie you should revisit: No Country for Old Men.
May 21 - Jun 20
Please, I beg, start eating a proper breakfast. You need to get your protein in at the start of the day or you’re just going to keep spiralling into a rage for the rest of the day. It’s not cute. I recommend a breakfast BLT.
Movie you should revisit: Ratatouille.
Jun 21 - July 22
Oops, you missed your chance! It’s time to move on. That’s what happens when you leave people on read for a week. Work on that communication, Cancer.
Movie you should revisit: The Matrix.
July - Aug 22
Damn, Leo, what’s got into you? You’ve got some mildly insane vibes going on right now, but I kinda love it. Post something cringe on your IG story this week. Just break the hinge. Fuck it!
Movie you should revisit: The Truman Show.
Aug 23 - Sep 22
You’re not missing out on anything, and you’re right where you need to be, Virgo. Kick that fomo to the curb and pay attention to how your body feels. Also, try going to bed before 1am. It sounds crazy but it actually kinda works.
Movie you should revisit: American Psycho.
Sep 23 - Oct 22
How does it feel, Libra? For everything you’ve been working for to start landing at your feet? The last few months have been hard, and it’s time for you to step into the light. You are worthy of the things you are receiving!
Movie you should revisit: Austin Powers: Goldmember.
Oct 23 - Nov 21
Here’s my advice: eat a raw carrot on an empty stomach, every day for the next week. You are literally full of shit and something has to change.
Movie you should revisit: The Mummy.
Nov 22 - Dec 21
I’m not sure how you’ve put up with it for this long but it’s time to grow up. Your insistence on holding onto things is giving everyone around you the ick. Learn to detach!
Movie you should revisit: The Grand Budapest Hotel.
Dec 22 - Jan 19
It’s actually okay to be alone. You’re an adult… Do you even know yourself? Delete Tinder and try meditation or something.
Movie you should revisit: Donnie Darko.