Put the fucking pastel highlighters down - it’s too early to start colour-coding things. Organisation won’t bring you the comfort you crave, but people will. Get out there and don’t let the start of sem pass you by.
New Year’s resolution to ditch: All of them. Calm down.
You’re giving more than you’re getting. And like, that’s fine because you’re not one to keep tabs or make complaints, but also like, what about you? You’re not as self-absorbed as you think… mostly. It’s Pisces season right now, so you get to be a little selfish and recharge.
New Year’s resolution to ditch: Quitting nicotine.
You are SO ready, and it’s kinda terrifying. Save some enthusiasm for later so you don’t burn out. You might not actually intend on going to the clubs you sign up for but shit, is it fun to agree to things or what??
New Year’s resolution to ditch: Social sports.
Your flat has its shit together, and you have the best-decorated room. Just try not to step on your flatmates’ toes in your thirst for adventure this year. Or your thirst for other things. Venus is in power after all - just keep it lowkey.
New Year’s resolution to ditch: Cuffing the first okay person you come across.
You’ve already reinvented yourself for this year, but did you need to? Maybe your old aesthetic was cute? Maybe people want consistency out of you, rather than you always trying to change your personally perceived flaws?
New Year’s resolution to ditch: Going to the gym.
You feel like you’ve burned bridges recently and it’s getting to you. Start the year out right by reaching out, or at least owning your decisions, even if it’s out of your comfort zone. You’re allowed to make bad calls, babe!
New Year’s resolution to ditch: Meditation - you’re in your head plenty.
You’re doing too much but reading this won’t stop you. Start carrying around a water bottle. And keep better track of your keys.
New Year’s resolution to ditch: Making resolutions for next year.
Take the time to explore campus properly this year. You’re going to find a new favourite spot which will be perfect for getting away. Lord knows you need it.
New Year’s resolution to ditch: Setting boundaries.
You have a lot of hot takes that, in reality, are lukewarm at best. Surround yourself with people who challenge you. You’re going to take more criticism this year, but you will be better at handling it.
New Year’s resolution to ditch: Growing your skincare collection. You have enough.
You need a creative outlet. A real one. Nothing’s quite hitting the spot just yet. Focus on finding a new way to work through your emotions that honours your creative side. And no, scrolling through mental health tips doesn’t count.
New Year’s resolution to ditch: ‘Prioritising’ self-care. Just do the self-care, babe.
Don’t impulsively go on an exchange. Don’t impulsively go on an exchange. Don’t impulsively go on an exchange.
New Year’s resolution to ditch: Decreasing your screen time.
You’re used to everything going to plan, but you can’t plan ahead for everything. This year being adaptable will be important. Plan to have unplanned periods. Loosen your grip just a bit.
New Year’s resolution to ditch: Your multi-phase plan to conquer the world before your thirties.