Energies are high at the start of the week, with lots of aesthetic sunrises, Instagram stories, and study seshes. But that doesn't last long. When the burnout hits mid-Wednesday, remember that it's not even a month into uni and that try-hard shit can wait till after mid-sem break.
You as a shoe: Adidas Superstars
Please, please, for the love of all that is holy, stop wearing pyjama pants to uni. They don't look like cool flowy pants, you just look like a hot mess, minus the hot part. Putting on a pair of jeans doesn't take that much effort.
You as a shoe: Reebok Club C
This week your social skills are on fire. Meeting people is like a hobby for you and collecting campus characters is your favourite game. Just remember that not everyone is as nice and well-meaning as you think they are.
You as a shoe: New Balance 550
Cancer, you will have an amazing week filled with productivity, creativity and activity. Whether sexual or just side quests, they will quench your thirst for adventure and fun.
You as a shoe: Dr Martens 1461
Okay Leo, as Mercury enters fellow fire sign, Aries, your need for drama intensifies. Try and stick to TV dramas like MAFS and Love Island instead of instigating riots in your flat kitchen, trust me. Friday your patience wears thin and living in a war zone wouldn't be fun.
You as a shoe: High-top Converse
It is time to do a big flat clean before the mould-encouraging cold wet weather hits Dunedin. Vacuum, clean your windows, and get rid of as much crap as you can. Those free shirts and flags you got at a ‘Landers game two years ago should be the first to go.
You as a shoe: Nike Blazers
Venus is going into retrograde, meaning all of your shit is going to get fucked up. You're going to have to embrace the unpredictability or you're going to crumble under the pressure of plans changing and salad bags rotting three days before their best-by date.
You as a shoe: Fresh white Air Forces
A friend is going to need your insane social media stalking skills soon. It is up to you to decide if their intentions or for the best or if they are trying to get you to use your powers for evil.
You as a shoe: UGG Tazzy slippers
Your savings for that big trip are going to double this week, or at least gain $100 bucks. Your depop side hustle is going to pop off and you may even sell those HSFY books you bought back in 2023.
You as a shoe: Dr Martens Sandals
Take a deep breath, and admit to yourself you have an addiction… to being an asshole. Not everyone can have their life as together as you and it's very unnecessary to point it out every opportunity you get.
You as a shoe: Dusty Crusty Birks
You welcome change and challenges this week. Life has been a bit boring lately and this week is for sure going to stimulate your senses and get you fired up about something new. Whether that is geo-political politics or learning how to clean your vacuum cleaner, that's up to you.
You as a shoe: Adidas Sambas
Pisces, the sun is currently travelling through your sign, creating a hazy lifestyle for you… or that could just be the new strain your dealer is selling. Whichever it is, you feel more at ease and creative than you ever have.
You as a shoe: Panda Dunks