Letters: Issue 2 2025

Letters: Issue 2 2025


Letters should be 150 words or fewer. The deadline is Thursday at 5pm. Get them into Critic by emailing us at critic@critic.co.nz. Letters of a serious nature directly addressing a specific group or individual will not be published under a pseudonym, except in extraordinary circumstances as negotiated with the Editor. Critic Te Ārohi reserves the right to edit, abridge, or decline letters without explanation. Frequently published correspondents in particular may find their letters abridged or excluded. Defamatory or otherwise illegal material will not be printed. We don’t fix the spelling or grammar in letters. If a letter writer looks stupid, it’s because they are.


Letter of the week

Dear Ms Critic,

Only week 1 and I’m already going to have a crash out. Do not come to lectures if you’re sick. I did not drag myself out of bed at the ungodly hour of 7am to sit in a lecture theatre listening to you cough out a vape-destroyed lung because somehow, at your big age, you got fresher flu from flo week. Sitting in a packed lecture theatre with no airflow to spend the entire time coughing and sniffling over the lecturer’s voice is nails-on-chalkboard bad. I can guarantee not a single person in your lectures will be mourning your absence if you stay in bed resting up instead of spraying your snot all over the row in front of you.  Even if you’re “not that sick”, whatever you have can knock others out for weeks so please gtfo of Archway 4 and get into your bed and watch your lectures from home

someone who despises the sound of coughing and sniffling xoxo

Editor’s response: You’d have thought we’d have learned something from the pandemic


Kia Ora Critic,

I have just read (and perhaps skimmed) through the latest edition of the critic and I'm a little surprised you haven't got the scoop: Rob Roy's dairy has increased it prices. Sure, it's only by 20 cents but the new owners said they wouldn't be changing prices. I am appalled, astounded, and just very annoyed honestly. Inflation sure I understand that, but the worst part is that they lied to me. 

Severely disappointed,

Ice-cream lover and cheapskate.

Editor’s response: Devastating.


Dear Ms. Critic,

As someone born and raised in Taranaki, I am shocked and appalled to see the pro-Urenui propaganda in the previous issue of the magazine. Urenui sucks. There's a four square, bowling green, and a gas station. That's about it. A place you stop at when you want a mediocre coffee on the way to Hamilton (or on the way to the vastly superior Tongapōrutu beach). To make North Dunedin into a new Urenui would be to remove the very soul of the suburb. Nina may have tricked everyone else, but I (alongside like four other students here) have been to Urenui and it's so fucking boring.

Sexily yours, 

One of the like six New Plymouth residents studying at Otago
(PS. Sacred Heart and NPGH/NPBH suck. Go Spotty C)

Editor’s response: >:(

This article first appeared in Issue 2, 2025.
Posted 6:54pm Sunday 2nd March 2025 by Critic.