Te Roopu Māori | Issue 14
Be realistic about what you want to achieve, what you can achieve, and what needs to take priority. With exams only a few nights away, be sure to look after yourselves, take study breaks, and eat well.
Those who are sticking around in Dunedin for the break should get amongst the community activities and share in the celebrations of Matariki.
Matariki is the Māori name for the group of stars also known as the Pleiades star cluster or the Seven Sisters. It rises just once a year, in mid-winter – late May or early June. The Māori New Year is marked by the rise of Matariki and the sighting of the next new moon.
Matariki literally means “eyes of god” (mata ariki) or “little eyes” (mata riki). According to myth, Ranginui, the sky father, and Papatūānuku, the earth mother, were separated by their children. The god of the winds, Tāwhirimātea, became so angry that he tore out his eyes and threw them into the heavens. Traditionally, Matariki was a time to remember those who had died in the last year, but it was also a happy event. Crops had been harvested, and seafood and birds had been collected. With plenty of food in the storehouses, Matariki was a time for singing, dancing and feasting. Check out the link below for all the activities taking place in Dunedin.
http://www.matarikievents.co.nz/index php?page=events-calendar&category=Otago
Also, I thought I would mention a few events early in the next semester to pop into your calendars. Any queries, just holla!
Te Hokai (Ball) July 21. Tickets are $40, theme is 1950s.
Te Wiki O Te Reo (Māori Language Week), July 23 - July 27.
Hypnotist Fundraiser, July 26 and 27. Tickets are $15.
Keep an eye on your emails and on the facebook page. All the best with exams, and have a well deserved break.
–Lisa Pohatu xx