ODT Watch | Issue 23

ODT Watch | Issue 23

Grammar’s hard and shit

The ODT sometimes struggles with the difference between the literal and the figurative. See, when someone says something like “I could literally eat a horse”, they actually mean “I could figuratively eat a horse”. You can see how things get confusing. But when ol’ Justin Stonelake got figurative, the ODT got confused as fuck:

You see, if he wasn’t kidding, he’d be dead.

The ODT also struggles with the use of suffixes to create abstract nouns. Hell, who doesn’t? But you see, the ODT gets paid to use words correctly, to like express ideas and shit. In the end, they made poor Lloyd look like an idiot.

Positivity was what you were going for there, guys. Nearly there … We’re sure you’ll get it next time.

Our very own President Logan Edgar has been known to trip over his words from time to time. He was in the ODT last weekend talking about his “career” as student pres. Somehow it came out a bit overtly sexual:

Even though words are hard, ODT Watch can always trust the ODT pun machine to punch out some winners:

This article first appeared in Issue 23, 2012.
Posted 4:03pm Sunday 9th September 2012 by Staff Reporter.