Your tramping options down South are many and varied, and basically start from either Milford or Queenstown – both pretty accessible by car or bus (just join the tourist hordes). For example, over towards Te Anau there’s the Milford Track (the self-proclaimed “finest walk in the world”), the Hollyford, which heads upriver all the way to the wild West Coast, and the Kepler (also home to the Luxmore Grunt, a running race for crazy types). Heading off from Queenstown (opportunity for Fergburger pre-loading: tick) you have the Routeburn – a quickie but a goodie, and the star of Air NZ’s latest safety video offering.

Fiordland is cold and rainy most of the time. Well, at least life in Dunedin has got you used to a bit of that.

Other than some guaranteed dampness, your tramping experience can vary greatly along various spectrums: basic <-> luxury, freeze-dried meals <-> actual food, sleeping in a wet tent <-> snoring hut companions, rain <-> not too much rain, state-of-the-art-equipment<-> forgot the gas cooker. But with Fiordland’s natural beauty thrown into the mix, you can’t go wrong. And Unipol or the Tramping Club can hook you up with tramping gear for hire. Enjoy.
Get there: by bus or car.
Do: be a tourist in your own country.
Don’t: forget to take insect repellent.
Eat: Marmite, cheese, and crackers.