This article begs the question: WHY, ODT, WHY!? Taking pointless and ridiculous reporting to a new level, the article describes how an intoxicated Irish woman broke into an apartment, where she then locked herself in a cupboard and proceeded to urinate throughout.

Adding insult to injury after New Zealand’s triathletes were unable to place in the Commonwealth Games. Harsh, ODT, harsh.

For full in-depth sport analysis you can’t get much better than this.

We think the ODT needs to put a brake on their witty headline attempts.

The World News section of the ODT is arguably their best section (perhaps because ODT staff don’t actually write any of the articles). Of all the interesting, remarkable and stimulating international news happening every day the ODT chooses to include this piece of non-factual infotainment. Situated right next to reports of even more innocent children being killed in Gaza, the article describes how the Beibs apparently used a wheelchair to queue jump at Disneyworld.