The beer was chilled and the kegs were flowing as the last bastion of Scarfie culture took place on Saturday 21 March.

Following the trend current in Invercargill, Dunedin’s own “code brown” situation occurred last weekend at Moana Pool, with those wanting a “leisurely” swim needing to head out to the harbour for a “free” swim.

Next time you’re heading out of the North D bubble to go on a camping trip, make sure it’s not to an Arctic island.

The ODT features its own gambling section now, with tips being given for the Pick6 at Methven in the weekend. However, the chat does sound slightly sinister, with one stand-out sentence being “if you wanted to have one rough one here, it would be Alan Golightly.”

A witty dragging on the coat-tails of Keeping up with the Kardashians, this week sees a feature of four Dunedin sisters being likened to the Kardashians. At least they are a smarter, savvier and less cringe-worthy version.