Clay McQueen
Mauri ora e te whānau! ko Clay McQueen tōku ingoa he uri au nō Ngāpuhi, Otaua, Wainui, Mataraua anō hoki. I te taha o tōku pāpā he uri au nō Kawhia me Whaingaroa, he mangainga o Hoturoa. Ka mutu, i tipu ake au i Te pū o te Wheke. I’m currently studying a degree in Health Science, majoring in Māori Health. Throughout my years of study I have taken the opportunities to grow and develop as a learner, in doing so I have found my ‘home away from home’ within Te Rōpū Māori. From this whānau I’ve had the privilege of experiencing their aroha and support, to learn more about myself and my strengths being māori, it's only right I return this aroha to new tauira. I value the uniqueness of our culture and want to ensure that we as a whānau move forward together.
He waka eke noa.
Tumuaki Tuarua
Haki Hamilton
I am someone fortunate to have grown up in an environment that cultivated my passion for te reo māori and te ao māori in general. These experiences have endowed me with a sense of pride in our mana māori and our identity as people. Coming down to Dunedin from a place like Tauranga and noticing the massive difference in culture and priorities shocked me initially and made me really appreciate a place like Te Rōpū Māori and its ability to be a kāinga rua for tauira māori. In applying for the Tumuaki Tuarua position I aspire to take an active role in cushioning the shock for tauira hou and reinforcing an internal culture that promotes consistency, transparency and flexibility so that tauira in any step of their personal and academic journeys are well informed, aware and wanting to utilise what it is that we can do for them.
Ngā Manaakitanga,
Nā Haki
Hineani Campbell-Collier
He iti kōpara e pīoi ana i te tihi o te Kahikatea, he uri nō ngā iwi kārangaranga o te rohe o Mātaatua, o te Tairāwhiti, Tainui, Ngāi Tahu anō hoki. E mihi kau ana ki a koutou katoa. Ko Hineani Campbell-Collier ahau. Ko te tohu matua e whāia nei, ko te Hauora Māori (Bachelor of Health Science majoring in Māori Health).
I would value the opportunity to support tauira Māori as the kaituhi (secretary) for Te Rōpū Māori. Te Rito have organised many amazing kaupapa that strengthen a real sense of belonging. I believe it's important for current and future tauira to be supported, and have a sense of belonging so they can walk confidently in Te Ao Māori and Te Ao Pākehā. Creating connections through kai tahi, waiata tahi, and kōrero tahi is so important when we are in this Western space.
Nau mai haere mai!
Kaipāpāho Matua
Grace Hemara-Tylden
Kia ora e te whānau
Ko Grace Hemara – Tylden toku ingoa. He uri ahau no te Hokianga-nui-a-kupe me te awa tupua o whanganui. I currently study a BA in Indigenous Development with a minor in education and
throughout my journey I have come to realise that all of my strengths come from my taha māori. I am passionate about my culture and love to encourage others to set out on their journey, whether that be re-connecting with their taha māori or expanding their knowledge of Te Ao Māori. If I could be given the opportunity to encourage more tauira to do that on a larger scale, I would fulfil that duty to the best I can. Te Roopu Māori offers so much support to tauira and has for me over the years, so now I want to be able to provide that same support for others.
E mihi ana!
Āpiha Hauora
Distance Takamori
E nga maunga whakahī, e ngā puke kōrero, E nga awa whakatere taniwha. Tenei te tuku aku mihi ki a koutou o nga tauira māori. Ko Distance Takamori tōku ingoa. He uri whakaheke Nō Taranaki, kai tahu, Hamoa anō hoki.
Tēnā Tātou, my name is Distance Takamori and I’m currently studying a BA in Māori studies and History. I am applying for the position as Āpiha Hauora for 2023. Te Rōpū Māori has blessed me with many opportunities. I’d like to use this opportunity to share my knowledge and experience with all of you. I am passionate for hauora Māori as I believe it plays a large part of who we are and what we are capable of. One vision I have for our Te Rito is to encourage tauira to step outside their safe space and help guide them to find their home away from home.
Mauri Ora
Āpiha Mātauranga
Ngaroma Bennett
Tū ana au i te puketapu o Opekerau, hāngai taku titiro ki te riu o Tamatea Mātangi ki ngā whenua o aku tīpuna e. Ko Ngaroma Bennett tōku ingoa. He kākano tēnei nō Te Whakatōhea, Ngāi Te Rangi me Te Arawa anō hoki.
Mauri Ora e te iwi, My name is Ngaroma Bennett and I am currently studying a BASci majoring in Māori Health. I am applying for the role as cultural and educational officer, as I am very passionate about our beautiful culture and all the unique things it comes with. I want to use my knowledge and skills to create a welcoming space for all our tauira, and make known that Te Rōpū Māori is your kāinga rua. No matter where you stand with your cultural identity, I encourage all tauira to come along and embark on this journey with us.
Tēnei au ka mihi.
Kaiwhakahaere Kaupapa
Tomuri Spicer
Tēnā koutou katoa e hoa mā! Ko Tomuri Spicer ahau. He uri ahau nō Ngāpuhi nui tonu, but I was born and raised in Te Wai Pounamu. I am in my second year of a BA majoring in Archaeology and Māori studies, with potential changes into something musical thanks to being awarded the Six60 scholarship. I am of Māori and NZ European descent.
As Social and Events officer for Te Rito in 2023, I plan to organise heaps of amazing events to get all of our current tauira (and future first-year tauira) involved in the awesome Te Rōpū Māori whānau-whānui. I’ll be hanging around the TRM whare too, so whenever you need help with uni work, waiata stuff or just keen for some yarns, nau mai!