East Coast Calipso

East Coast Calipso

Red macrocapa lamppost

Cloth cupped breast

Appease thy lord, hailing Mary to Matawheuka

Guitar pangs at Marae piss ups

Rewind dialogues, lolloping gramaphonics

Yellowed lace legacies

Church yard agapanthuses

And the bell chime calls cows home

Full cream colonialism

Stuff we’d take for tea


Chocolate braided from millennia

Of broken backed work

Hands becoming rancid

Crepuscular laws

Flax baskets gape 

In the sieving of salted water

The seasons

Clearing sour prospects


Inherently excluded from

Scratching histories 

Of woollen black singlets


Welcome back to sweet potato

At golden hour

On the sheering block

This article first appeared in Issue 24, 2018.
Posted 6:46pm Thursday 20th September 2018 by Zoe Taptiklis.