Tumuaki: Jade Mills
E rere kau mai te awa nui, mai i te kāhui maunga ki Tangaroa ko au te awa ko te awa ko au.
Kia ora koutou, my name is Jade and I come from the beautiful Whanganui awa. This year I am fortunate enough to be Āpiha hauora (Recreation and Welfare officer) for Te Rōpū Māori and Kaitiaki pūtea (treasurer) for Ngā tauira o te kete aronui (Humanities Māori students exec) these experiences have inspired me to take a step further and apply for the role of Tumuaki for 2022. I am a kaupapa driven person who’s passionate in supporting our tauira and ensuring that they have the best experience possible while studying here.
Next year, if successful, I want to continue the mahi that we have done this year and use this experience and skills to continue to advocate for the best outcomes possible for our tauira.
Tumuaki Tuarua: Maapihi Rapana
Tuu mai maunga Taupiri, oo ihi, oo wehi, oo mano kua hora nei i te nuku o te whenua.
Ko Waikato teeraa e rere ana i ngoo huuhaa, he piko, he taniwha - Waikato Taniwharau! Kei ngaa maataawaka kua whakatoopuu mai ki teenei whaarua o te motu, hiinei a Mahuta Takaroa, a Porourangi, a Tuutaamure, a Apanui Ringumutu te oha atu nei.
Teenaa taatou, my name is Maapihi Rapana & I'm currently studying Law and a BA in Maaori Studies. I'm applying for the position of Tumuaki Tuarua (Vice President) as I'm passionate about my culture and connecting with other students. I want to help spread more awareness around the support and aroha that Te Roopuu Maaori offers to Maaori students studying at Otago University and to help them understand that Te Roopuu Maaori is more than an association, we're a whaanau.
Pai Maarire.
Kaipāpāho Matua: Shakayla Andrews
Kia Ora! Ko Shakayla Andrews tōku ingoa and I’ll be running for Kaipāpāho Matua.
Something that I bring to the table is my experience within the media outlet. I’m the Ōtākou/Murihiku reporter for Tahu News and take charge of our social media platforms. Because of my mahi, I've established connections with the clocktower and the Māori communications office and will continue to keep that hononga strong.
One vision that I have for Te Rito is to encourage and entice all students, from first years to postgraduate to join our kaupapa because of the many opportunities it has to offer!
Āpiha Hauora: Maioha Watson
Kei ngā tauira Māori, tēnā koutou.
Nō Tainui, Tūhoe, Taranaki ahau.
Ko Maioha Watson tōku ingoa.
I am running for Recreation and Welfare Officer on Te Rito 2022. TRM has been my home away from home and I would cherish the opportunity to give back to our tauira. I am passionate about hauora Māori and want to implement my knowledge to the role. I believe, a strong voice for mental health is imperative to the experience of tauira Māori. Above all, I want you to find your home away from home. Spread love and happiness, but especially, spread your legs!
Āpiha Matauranga: Emma-May Loretz
Tēnā koutou! Ko Emma-May Loretz tōku ingoa, he uri tēnei no Kāi Tahu, Ngāti Tamaterā me Ngāti Paoa hoki. Ka tangi te pīpīwharauroa, ko te karere o Mahuru!
I want to be your Apihā Mātauranga for 2022 as I believe that we must foster all aspects of our culture in order to really succeed in our education. Our reo, tikanga me ngā mea katoa o Te Ao Māori must be given a place of importance and I hope to provide that for my fellow tauira. Through cultural success, we will achieve educational greatness!
Āpiha Matauranga: Maioha Ohia
Kia ora e te whānau, ko Maioha Ohia ahau. He pāpaka o Rangataua, he tukemata o Kahungunu, he raukura o Te Ātiawa. Flourishing in te ao Māori, I’ve had the privilege of experiencing the beauty and fruitfulness of our culture. Coming down to Dunedin I found my kāinga rua (home away from home) in Te Roopū Māori.
My whāinga is to encourage a safe space for tauira to be loud and proud of their Māoritanga!
Despite the stage of your cultural identity journey, I invite you to board our waka to sail the seas of Te Ao Māori.
Mauri ora!
Āpiha Hangareka: Gemella Reynold-Hatem
Ngāi Tūāhuriri, Ngāti Hateatea, Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Māmoe. E aku nui, e aku rahi, naia ka mihi kia koutou katoa.
I am Gemella Reynolds-Hatem running for Āpiha Hangareka 2022. I’m Māori and Lebanese-Syrian decent. I am a current third year student majoring in Genetics and Indigenous development. Through life I have understood the importance of whanaungatanga and manakitanga for our people and beyond. Being in this role will enable me to build that bridge for our tauira through an array of events that will accommodate for our people and build a foundation that will enable genuine connections in welcoming environments.
Kaituhi: Mikaere Tipene
Tēnā Koutou ē te iwi. Ko Mikaere Tipene tōku ingoa. He uri tēnei nō Te Arawa, Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngai Tai ki Tōrere me Tūhoe anō hoki. I’m 3rd year studying towards a Bachelor of Science with a Major in Anatomy.
I’m running for Kaituhi Secretary 2022. I’m a proud Māori and European descent. I am here to not only rise to the challenge of becoming a Tuākana but to listen, understand and take care of our future tauira Māori. I aim to ensure that I will provide the best support, assistance and advocate for Māori.
Ngā mihi