Man Breaks into Flat to Rap

Man Breaks into Flat to Rap

What ever happened to stranger danger?

A Great King Street complex flat’s Thursday evening was abruptly interrupted on April 25th when an unwanted (rather intoxicated) visitor by the name ‘Strike’ knocked on their door. Under the assumption he was known to one of his flatmates, one of the residents let him in. What ensued was a fever dream of being subjected to shadow-boxing demonstrations, push-ups, and rapping before Police arrived on the scene to escort the wannabe Eminem out.

Critic Te Ārohi spoke to Sebastian, the flatmate who mistakenly let Strike into the flat – something he’s copped a lot of flak for since. They quickly realised Strike wasn’t a mate, with Sebastian saying it meant it made the situation awkward when he refused to leave. Strike then boasted to the flatties he had just gotten out of prison that week, after a two year sentence for assaulting a police officer. Lovely. He allegedly gave the flat the well-informed advice to “never assault an officer, they’ll taser your asshole.” 

To the audience of increasingly alarmed flatmates, Strike then began freestyling, asking them to put a beat. “He was just mumbling,” said Sebastan. The only words he could make out were “cobra king” and “the n-word”. Upon finishing his rap performance, Strike then proceeded to the next part of his demonstration. Taking off his shirt, he dropped into push-ups in the middle of the lounge, followed by some shadow boxing (“do I look real big?”).

The flatmates at this point had had enough. Sebastian told Critic that they attempted to use every excuse in the book to get the man to leave, but his stubbornness wouldn’t budge. Sebastian resorted to distracting Strike with a movie, before texting a flatmate who’d removed himself from the situation to call the police. Strike had already been at the flat for around an hour at this point. 

Once the police arrived at the residence, Strike, “who appeared to be very intoxicated” (who would’ve thought) initially refused to cooperate with the officers. He attempted to engage the officers and the flatmates into a fight, saying, “I’ll leave when you leave.” I live here, mate. 

Police told Critic that while “[the man] “initially refused to cooperate with Police or leave the address” that they eventually “escorted the man away from the property without any further issue.” Sebastian’s parting words for Strike were suggestions that he practise his rapping game. It’s all about enunciation, Strike.

The incident follows a string of break-ins in the North Dunedin area, with multiple incidents having been reported around Queen Street and Cosy Dell. One perpetrator has allegedly broken into multiple flats in the area. For now, Critic suggests that students ensure that their doors and windows are locked, and that you know who is at the door before you open it. Get a ring camera, stay safe.

This article first appeared in Issue 11, 2024.
Posted 4:43pm Saturday 11th May 2024 by Adam Stitely.