Exec Member Strides Off
Stride was accused of indecent assault and was offered diversion under the police diversion scheme. The incident occurred at a flat party, during which Stride touched the breast of a female acquaintance while under the influence of alcohol.
Stride told Critic that he could not remember the incident, stating that he knew of his conduct only when he was told about it the next morning. He added that the fact that he was under the influence of alcohol was an explanation for his behaviour, not an excuse for it, and that he had now taken steps to ensure that he controlled his drinking, including seeking alcohol counselling and refraining from consuming alcohol in the interim.
Stride stated that he “thoroughly regrets upsetting anyone” and has “paid dearly for it”, listing depression, emergency psychiatric services, lost friendships and financial difficulties as consequences of the incident.
Mydeology.co.nz blogger James Meager, formerly the 2010 Finance and Services Officer, broke the news of Stride’s behaviour online directly after the court hearing where Stirde was offered diversion. Some have suggested that Meager’s post was part of some greater scheme to damage the credibility of OUSA, however Meager insisted that he was motivated out of concern that the crime could be swept under the rug. “I felt that OUSA members and the OUSA Executive (who at that time were not aware) had a right to know that their elected representative had committed crimes.”
Stride commented on the blog post, apologising but also naming his victim in the comment, an action which he claims was inadvertent and due to still being in the “police station mindset”. As a result of the initial post and Stride’s comment, heated debate erupted online, and the story was picked up by the ODT.
An OUSA executive meeting was held, during which OUSA President Logan Edgar moved a motion that OUSA had no confidence in Stride and called for his the immediate resignation. The motion received unanimous support with the exception of Stride.
Speaking to Critic, Edgar said that this was the right decision for the association. “We can’t be seen to condone that stuff… Dan is an amazing, talented and intelligent man and I have a lot of respect for him. He’ll be conquering the world some day”. Meager agreed with the decision saying, “ I think the Executive acted swiftly and appropriately.”
In his resignation letter to OUSA, Stride stated “the circumstances of me leaving you, have, of course, been absolutely harrowing; lost friends, financial precariousness, and having to walk away from the Association I so deeply loved have combined to make this something of a Month from Hell. I’m not a spiritual man, but if there is any sort of cosmic karma out there, may it strike James Meager …and strike [him] hard.” Stride has commented that Meager has “ruined his life on a number of levels” and said he would be considering the possibility of legal action against Meager. Stride said of the OUSA executive, “I look at you guys now, and for the first time in a very long time, I feel good about where OUSA is heading.”
A by-election to replace Stride will be held to coincide with the OUSA elections for the 2012 executive in August this year.