Heaps of West Coast Land to be Reclassified
Posted 11:29pm Friday 8th July 2022
The Department of Conservation (DoC) is set to reclassify 600,000 hectares of protected “stewardship” land on the West Coast – the size of over 3 Rakiura (Stewart Islands). DoC says that this will provide stronger protections for its natural and historic features, but some worry Read more...
Guard who Dispensed "Sauce Fines" Apparently Unlicenced
Posted 11:24pm Friday 8th July 2022
The security guard who allegedly called a student “stupid” and “selfish” after issuing her a $300 fine for “stealing” a packet of tomato sauce no longer appears to be working at Night N’ Day or Pak ‘N Save, where he was also employed. This may Read more...
Denzel Chung and Fox Meyer
Staff Writer