Eyes and Ears
Posted 5:22am Monday 19th September 2011
Let’s be honest. Most of us probably feel more at home in the mosh pit of a rock concert than in a posh, please-do-not-touch art gallery. In the ‘art vs music’ debate, it seems we’re way more in tune with pop stars than painters. But take a moment out of your headbanging to open your eyes – because Read more...
Posted 3:30am Monday 15th August 2011

Consider these three words: ‘Equal Employment Opportunities’. What comes to mind? Probably imagery from the feminist movement, hordes of angry, high-heel clad power-women protesting their way up the male-dominated corporate ladder in the name of gender equality. But what happens when the shoe is on Read more...
Posted 12:04am Tuesday 9th August 2011

Innocent-minded Siobhan Downes experiences the genre of ‘female porn’ - pornography made especially for women. It was the worst timing. When I set out to become a connoisseur of female porn, I was actually snowed in at my parents’ house. Thus the initial stages of my research were, Read more...
Between the Sheets
Posted 4:27am Thursday 4th August 2011

Or, like, on the d-floor at Monkey Bar, on a bike, or in the celebrity squares of Central Library. Critic goes Cosmo and talks to six students about the world’s favourite pastime. Emily I wanted it. But I was also real scared. What happens if I get cum in my eye, or if it smells down Read more...
Posted 12:15am Tuesday 26th July 2011

Maori Language Week has been and gone for another year and, as always, its presence was most perceptibly marked by the embarrassingly eager bilingual efforts of television broadcasters, whether it be John Campbell’s ‘kee-ora, good evening, hairy-my New Zealand!’ or ‘celebrity’ chef Richard Till’s Read more...
Cancer Cells
Posted 4:04am Monday 25th July 2011

What’s the hang up on cell phones? Could they be the next cigarettes? Siobhan Downes investigates the World Health Organisation’s recent statement that radiation from your cell phone could cause cancer. It’s the icon of the wireless age: the cell phone. We have been dubbed the Read more...
Born this Way?
Posted 7:14am Thursday 19th May 2011

We all remember t.A.T.u’s “All The Things She Said” video – you know, the two Russian chicks in school uniforms kissing in the rain. Not long after that, Britney and Madonna were sucking face in a highly choreographed public stunt at the MTV Video Music Awards. Then Katy Perry kissed a girl – and Read more...
Cinderella Has A New Name: KATE MIDDLETON
Posted 10:39pm Monday 9th May 2011

Once upon a time there lived a band of women’s magazine editors, who ruled the media empire with their weekly chronicles of gossip and slander. One day, a fair young maiden named Catherine appeared in their midst – for she was courting the handsome Prince William. In November 2010, a royal Read more...
Breaking Dawn
Posted 4:04am Monday 9th May 2011

My first experience of an Anzac Day dawn service was cold, wet, and about the only time I’d ever been up early enough for the McDonald’s breakfast menu. Suffice to say it was the thought of hotcakes rather than heroes of war that had gotten me out of bed that morning. Anzac Day had always seemed Read more...
Size Her Up
Posted 5:09am Tuesday 26th April 2011

“I don’t think you ready for this jelly,” chants Beyonce, waggling her voluptuous hips. Kim Kardashian poses seductively on the red carpet, her ample, orb-like backside splashed across magazine pages. “Real women have curves!” screams the slogan of a marketing campaign. It is the Plus Size Read more...