Posted 9:37pm Thursday 28th March 2019

Ketamine, You are a friend. A somewhat confusing friend. Your effect brings me everything and nothing, both the riddle and the answer for every question I never asked. You are different every time and every line, but in all these differences I find one similarity. The feeling I was searching Read more...
Album Review: Music To Get Puppies To Sleep
Posted 1:31pm Sunday 16th July 2017

My job is awful, But this album is worse. I pass him on the stairs. Gazing into the bloodshot eyes of a man whose bowel has erupted in brown rage not once but three times in one day. He doesn’t know that I know. It was like picking up mud in the pouring rain. My job is awful, But Read more...
Vitamin MDMA
Posted 1:26pm Sunday 19th March 2017

As well making sweaty clubbers realise that society puts us all into little boxes, Ecstasy could be useful in treating sufferers of Post Traumatic Stress disorder. We had two caps of 500mg vitamin c, one of 200mg magnesium glycinate, one of 5HTP, a glass half full of Berocca, and a Read more...
High off the moral ground
Posted 2:07pm Sunday 25th May 2014

Purchasing illicit substances off the internet is risky business at the best of times. An unnamed writer breaks down the process - ultimately begging the question as to why it should be such a mystery in the first place. The art of buying drugs face to face during these times of prohibition Read more...
Not only one Wright track
Posted 12:11am Tuesday 9th August 2011

A while ago, Commissioner for the Environment Jan Wright was in town, and without really knowing exactly what her job entailed, I seized upon the opportunity to interview someone from the real world, outside of OUSA. It emerged that Jan Wright was appointed as Commissioner for the Environment Read more...
Diatribe - 11
Posted 6:49am Thursday 19th May 2011
“Despite current usage, the word [homosexual] is an adjective describing a sexual action, not a noun describing a recognisable type.” (Gore Vidal) I am a man, I have romantic relationships with men and I have sex with men. At the same time, I do not think of myself as “gay”, Read more...
Around the World Drug Tourism
Posted 5:53am Thursday 14th April 2011
Travelling is one of life’s greatest joys. However, for many the intrepid explorer, cheap and available ways to elevate that joy well beyond the body’s already soaring levels of dopamine and serotonin remains a primary reason for the journey in the first place, and with that I bring you...drug Read more...
The annual BYO review
Posted 3:48am Monday 21st March 2011

There’s more to student life than just downing Southern Golds on Castle Street and eating fish’n’chips on Fatty Mile. Indeed, the past few years have seen the rise of a new tradition: the BYO. Nowadays there’s no need to wait for a birthday or graduation in order to fill a bottle with goon and Read more...