Ruby Sparks
Posted 5:01pm Sunday 30th September 2012

My expectations for this film were pretty non-existent, although I’d heard it was directed by the same duo that made Little Miss Sunshine, which gave me hope. I was also vaguely aware that it was about an author whose female character comes to life as his girlfriend, and anything he writes about her Read more...
Tortoise in Love
Posted 5:13pm Sunday 8th July 2012

Tortoise in Love is the story of one man’s very very slow pursuit of love. Tom is a gardener, and can discuss in detail the reproductive functions of hundreds of plant species, but is dumbfounded when it comes to talking to women. He finds himself in some cringe-inducing situations while trying to Read more...
Salmon Fishing in the Yemen
Posted 8:39pm Sunday 3rd June 2012

From the director of Chocolat, Dear John and several ABBA film clips (I’m not joking) comes the film Salmon Fishing in the Yemen. Based on a novel and adapted for the screen by the same guy who wrote the screenplay for Slumdog Millionaire, this film was always going to be a romantic story of triumph Read more...
Georgia Rose