Dai Henwood
Posted 3:44am Monday 3rd October 2011
Dai Henwood is a man of stock, stocky. His now familiar face and 5”5 frame are common to our television sets streaming in as they do every Friday night on 7 Days. Henwood is a member of the “new wave” of New Zealand comedy. He started out in Wellington before migrating to the big smoke and then Read more...
Dr John McEwan
Posted 5:07am Thursday 11th August 2011
The population of sheep in New Zealand currently sits at around 43.1 million. They double the number of cows and yet have a better environmental reputation. What springs to mind when you hear natterings of a fart tax? Yes, Dairy farms. Sheep, on the other hand, are a bit overlooked by the general Read more...
Nothing Personal
Posted 11:28pm Monday 8th August 2011
Iranian Embassy Siege, London. Northern Ireland Troubles. American bombing, Tripoli. Tiananmen Square. Gulf War, Kuwait. Genocide in Rwanda. Siege of Sarajevo. This is a woman who has witnessed and covered some of the most significant moments in recent history. She has been shot three times, for Read more...
Posted 4:15am Thursday 28th July 2011
Guess what? It's chocolate time! That's right, the Cadbury Chocolate Carnival started on Saturday complete with chocolate house, sculptress extraordinaire Prudence Staite and cooking lessons with Judith Cullen. The event, which began in 2000, has grown from a three-day affair to seven days of fun Read more...
Jeffrey Harris
Posted 5:14am Monday 25th July 2011
Two doors down from a car mechanic and across the road from a photography studio, Jeffrey Harris works and paints. It is his compulsion. Not to paint in his words renders him ‘frustrated and angry and depressed and very twitchy. I have got to work.” In his industrial space, he welcomes me with a Read more...
Hon Steven Joyce
Posted 12:06am Tuesday 12th July 2011
Steven Joyce likes a good cappuccino, but insists on nothing sprinkled on the top. Surely, that's more of a latte then? But no, apparently with a layer of espresso, milk and froth it distinguishes itself easily from the infamous beverage. Joyce, a name more synonymous with Guiness and Leprechauns, Read more...
Mayor Dave Cull
Posted 4:20am Monday 11th July 2011
Last year, Dunedin wanted change. It demanded change. And Dave Cull seemed to be the man to deliver it. As such, he was voted in as your Mayor. You may have even given him the tick. Or did you vote back home? Having talked to the guy, I can see why Cull attracted the voters. He writes, he reads, is Read more...
Tiny Ruins
Posted 3:44am Wednesday 6th July 2011
Tiny Ruins is the artistic pseudonym of Hollie Fullbrook, an English-born/New Zealand-raised up-and-comer. Her eerie, haunting melodies have an insistence that renders one both relaxed and pensive at the same time. Eat your heart out Runga and Moa! Her album Some Were Meant For Sea is released this Read more...
Lawrence Arabia
Posted 11:44pm Monday 30th May 2011
Lawrence Arabia is not Arabic. He's more of the European Caucasian variety, hailing from that most shaky of South Island centres, Christchurch. In fact, his name isn't even Lawrence. It's James. James Milne. He produces some pretty kick-ass beats though, and is putting some more together for our Read more...
Michael Woodhouse
Posted 5:58am Thursday 26th May 2011
He recounted tales of his working days. He left school and worked for a bank on George St, flatted where the National Bank is now and played professional rugby on his O.E in Scotland. Returning to Dunedin at 25, he studied for a Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting. Following on from that, he did his Read more...