Teaching Kids to Love Learning
Posted 11:36am Sunday 17th July 2016

If you, much to your great misfortune, happen to be born poor, there are a lot of opportunities that you are going to miss out on that your more well-off peers will receive. While the differences between the rich and the poor appear much more overt in third-world, they are still very tangible and Read more...
Help, my flat is haunted!
Posted 11:24am Sunday 17th July 2016

Dunedin is reputed to be the most haunted city in New Zealand. You could end up living in one of New Zealand’s oldest, most fascinating residential buildings, in various states of disrepair, with a unique and possibly tragic history. You may, like many before you, end up hearing footsteps Read more...
Consent On Campus
Posted 11:41am Sunday 15th May 2016

Rape and sexual assault on campus is not a nice topic, but one that everybody at the university needs to think about. Amber Allott discusses consent, the myth of the “grey area”, and resources available for sexual assault survivors. A little over a fortnight ago, I was scrolling Read more...
Voluntouring the World
Posted 11:45am Sunday 8th May 2016

In a recent article, UK newspaper 'The Daily Express,' claimed that the most common regret of people over sixty was not travelling and seeing more of the world. As such, it is really no wonder that travel has become an essential life experience for those in their twenties, especially Read more...
Breaking News: The News Is Broken
Posted 12:43pm Sunday 20th March 2016

Admit it. You know you regularly choose to read entertaining trash over reminders of how the world is turning to shit. Amber Allott investigates if we are entirely in control of our ignorant habits, or if they are the result of capitalism and political manipulation within the media. ‘How Read more...
The Secret Life Of Bees
Posted 1:26pm Sunday 13th March 2016

The leader of the group got to her position of power by violently murdering her sisters. She was born in a cell and fed nothing but jelly by thousands of identical nurses. The bodies of her dead children are picked up and tossed outside the institution they were born in. When she is too old to work Read more...
Hot Dates For Cheapskates
Posted 12:36pm Sunday 30th August 2015

Let’s just say you’ve met a new potential romantic partner, whether they’re grooving on the dance floor at Boogie, slaying some squats at Unipol or, more commonly, you both swiped right. You begin wondering how you can sweep them off their feet. After dazzling them with your Read more...
News in Briefs | Issue 21
Posted 11:27am Sunday 30th August 2015
World Watch Barnstaple, United Kingdom A high school student who committed an armed robbery after believing he had failed his GCSE A-levels has been offered a place at the University of Plymouth. The 18-year-old was sentenced to three years and eight months at a young offenders’ institute Read more...
Immortality: The Eternal Search
Posted 12:41pm Sunday 9th August 2015

In just about every culture, across the world and throughout time, humankind has invariably sought a single thing: eternal life. Ancient mythologies are strewn with tales of dashing heroes and cunning tricksters who achieve it, and with mystical artifacts that can bestow it. Historically, Read more...
ICT Students Can Rejoyce
Posted 11:06am Sunday 2nd August 2015
A new information technology graduate school, which is being built in association with local IT businesses and other South Island tertiary institutions, is set to be opened in Dunedin. From 2014 to 2018, the New Zealand government will be investing in the construction and development of Read more...

Amber Allott