Jack’s Off: An Exit Interview
Posted 7:21pm Sunday 4th October 2020

After one year in the top job, Jack Manning is preparing to leave the role. On December 31 he is out of the desk, and into the lion's den of life. The OUSA President sat down with Critic in his small, intimate office to talk about life, love, chicken satay and everything in between. Jack Read more...
Bone Apple Teeth: Banoffee Pie, with homemade caramel
Posted 2:04am Friday 2nd October 2020

Well, this is it. The last Bone Apple Teeth. It’s been such a joy to cook and write for you over the past year. Though at times the journey was not easy (especially when we live so close to Willowbank hot chips), the resulting dishes were always, always delicious. Too good not to share. For Read more...
Bone Apple Teeth | Breakfast Burrito: the Best Hangover Food of Your Life
Posted 9:34pm Thursday 24th September 2020

Hangovers are tricky. Once you get past the nausea, the shitting and the headaches, rapid hunger sets in. Whilst Macca’s and KFC are iconic options, I really, really don’t want to leave my house, even in a car (and no I don’t want to pay $20 on UberEats for a $3 cheeseburger). So, Read more...
Bone Apple Teeth | Stir-Fry: Impossible to Fuck up
Posted 9:35pm Thursday 17th September 2020

Assignment time is upon us, my sweets, and what we all need is a salty, quick meal to sustain the study grind. Stir-fries are the ultimate student delicacy. It’s cheap, quick and easy, just like me. It’s the perfect meal to clean your fridge out of all the random bits about to go off and Read more...
Opinion: I’m Exhausted, Please Extend Semester and Mid-Semester Breaks
Posted 5:00pm Sunday 13th September 2020
Having only a week for a mid-semester break feels like some kind of cruel, sick joke. A week? What is this, a mid-semester break for ants? A week barely gives you enough time to catch up on coursework, let alone give you any time to take some time off and, you know, have a break. Even worse, Read more...
Opinion: Give Me Coffee in the Late Afternoon
Posted 10:24pm Thursday 3rd September 2020

Coffee should be available past 3pm. Hell, it should be available at any time of night but I’m not sure y’all are ready to hear that yet. If you want to get out of your grungy flat and meet a friend, you get a coffee. Want a study break? You get a coffee. You want somewhere nice and Read more...
The Politics of Shared Flat Cooking
Posted 10:12pm Thursday 3rd September 2020

Shared flat cooking can sound like the best idea in the world. You get to save time, money and kitchen space, all whilst bonding with your flatties over a kitchen table and a square meal. What could be more charming? The reality though, can be far from the Brady Bunch lovefest you might be Read more...
Bone Apple Teeth | Back to Basics
Posted 9:39pm Thursday 3rd September 2020

Sometimes you need to go back to the basics before you can graduate from mince on toast flat meals. Cooking can nourish you, surprise you, but also sometimes really fuck you over. There’s nothing worse than mushy rice, burnt pasta or boring eggs. It’s time to acknowledge the shit, Read more...
The Critic Bachelor: Finale
Posted 5:04pm Sunday 30th August 2020

Fuck me, it’s the end of the Bachelor. After weeks of awkward small-talk there are only two girls left standing. Who will win between Amelia and Amanda? The final saga of the Bachelor contains drama, scandal and the kind of fuckery usually only reserved for those who cut the Pint Night line. Read more...
Bone Apple Teeth | Bao Buns: Fluffy, Tender and Flavourful
Posted 8:03pm Thursday 27th August 2020

Hosted by Caroline Moratti and Alice Jones, along with Pippa Bao buns are tender morsels of savoury delight. Quite frankly, you deserve one. Or several. The umami of the beef and hoisin sauce is rich and salty and pairs wonderfully with the delicate bao. The only comparison I can think of is that Read more...

Caroline Moratti
Culture Editor