Discussion of China Could “Endanger” Auckland Students
Posted 10:16pm Thursday 6th August 2020

A lecturer advised students taking PHIL105: Critical Thinking at the University of Auckland not to discuss issues that are controversial for the Chinese government, because of a risk of danger from “Chinese governmental agents”. The course is taught on two campuses in mainland China, as Read more...
Discussion of China Could “Endanger” Auckland Students
Posted 5:14pm Wednesday 5th August 2020

A lecturer advised students taking PHIL105: Critical Thinking at the University of Auckland not to discuss issues that are controversial for the Chinese government, because of a risk of danger from “Chinese governmental agents”. The course is also taught on two campuses in mainland Read more...
Students Struggling To Pay International Fees
Posted 9:57pm Thursday 30th July 2020
International students facing financial hardship feel that Pūtea Tautoko does not address their needs. “I spend more on tuition fees than anything else,” said Syd*. The funds available to help international students provide living costs, but avoid the expensive international Read more...
Great Peanut Purge at Residential Colleges
Posted 1:00am Friday 6th September 2019

Peanuts have been taken off the menu at University-managed residential colleges to protect students with severe nut allergies. As of 2 September, residential college kitchens are no longer serving peanut products, except Toroa and Abbey colleges, which do not currently house students with peanut Read more...
Squash Club Evicted From Damaged Courts
Posted 11:04pm Saturday 17th August 2019

The Otago University Squash Club has been walloped from their courts at 51 Union Street after being served a closure notice by the University. “We would have loved to stay at the venue,” Squash Club President Jayden Millard told Critic. “It’s on campus, it has history, and Read more...
Physiotherapy Defeats Medicine in Inter-Faculty Rugby Game
Posted 6:12pm Sunday 11th August 2019

Physiotherapy students have proved that they are about more than just feet after last Sunday's cracking-good rugby game against the Otago University Medical Students’ Association’s team, the ‘Teratomas’ (gross medical word for a gross tumor made up of different types of Read more...
Posted 9:00pm Sunday 4th August 2019

Otago University Rugby Club has triumphed at the men’s and women’s rugby premier finals held at Forsyth Barr Stadium on 27 July. The moustachioed University Men A team tallied up a 38-31 win against Taieri, and the less moustachioed University Women defeated the hitherto undefeated Read more...
Student Enrolment Numbers Double
Posted 11:27pm Thursday 11th July 2019

The number of students enrolled to vote in the upcoming local elections is on the rise, with the number of Otago students enrolled doubling so far this year. These numbers still remain a fraction of the total student body. In recent years, the percentage of Otago students enrolled has remained at Read more...
OUSA Executive Give Dying Man Life Membership
Posted 9:34pm Thursday 23rd May 2019
Last month, the OUSA Executive bestowed the honour of lifetime OUSA membership on Michael Tull. The Exec gave the life membership after seeing a Facebook post by Tull that said he was “nearing the end of [his] days” and had always been disappointed he’d never been granted OUSA Read more...
To Catch a Predator: Leaving Stuff Unattended in Various Libraries
Posted 9:11pm Thursday 9th May 2019

Friends, the festivities of exam season are almost upon us and at this time we should give thanks for how blessed we are with our University. Believe it or not, some people will never get to live the classic Otago experience of watching a couch aflame with a mate’s shoe in one hand, a can Read more...

James Joblin