OPINION: As Students Adapt, so Must Student Representation
Posted 12:19am Friday 15th May 2020

If I were to list all the ways Covid-19 has impacted students, there wouldn’t be enough room for an actual opinion. To name a few, just think of students who are essential workers, students who are parents, students without devices, the thousands of exchange students (both inward and outward Read more...
Opinion: Knox College: Accepting our Flaws while Loving our Floors
Posted 6:16pm Thursday 11th April 2019

The last few weeks, our Facebook feeds have been filled with posts from UoO: Meaningful Confessions about the Critic Knox article. We’ve seen people defending the college, apologising on its behalf, and denouncing traditions and managerial problems that would allow sexual assaults to occur and Read more...
Jack Manning
Lord Superior Mr. President