Working in the Sun: Top Jobs to Get Cause Rent’s Still Due in January.
Posted 4:18pm Sunday 4th October 2020

Well guys, the time has come. University is drawing to a close, the weather’s getting warmer, Bunnings have put up the inflatable Santa. Summer is upon us. Everyone loves summer. You can go swimming in a lake, listen to Bat Fangs single “Boy of Summer”, have a long walk through the Read more...
Local Student Discovers Cave
Posted 4:48pm Sunday 13th September 2020
On a recent Anthropology field trip, a Dunedin student named Barney Connoly found a rock shelter (crepuscular) that is believed to have been used by both gold miners and local iwi. The cave was found up a “steep-ish” cliff about 15 kilometres away from Cromwell in a hilly part of Read more...
Mark Neilson: Acting Out Campus Security
Posted 8:39pm Thursday 27th August 2020

Actor and campus watchman Mark Neilson was told by Otago Uni “don’t come back” when he was a student here in the 90s. Yet, as time moved on, Mark has returned a couple of times. Firstly, through OUSA’s Social Activities department in the early 2000s, and again in 2018 as a Read more...
Vending Machines Breakdown on Campus
Posted 10:21pm Thursday 30th July 2020

Just like Health Scis, the vending machines in the Link have been suffering from multiple breakdowns over the past two weeks. Critic has noticed five vending machine breakdowns over the past two weeks. In a statement, a spokesperson for the University said: “There has been an issue lately Read more...
Student Votes Split Between Labour and Green
Posted 10:06pm Thursday 30th July 2020

Otago Uni students can’t decide how far left they want to lean. Colmar Brunton sampled only 0.00031% of the eligible voting population for their national poll, so Critic beat their standard by sampling 52 students to get this data, or 0.0029% of students at Otago (almost 10x more Read more...
Restaurant Boom Over Re-Ori
Posted 8:19pm Thursday 16th July 2020
According to workers in Dunedin restaurants, students turned out in droves during Re-O to support the many eating establishments in our fair city. This might explain the proportion of vomit on the streets of North Dunedin. Many restaurateurs, waiters, and cooks have reported to Critic that they Read more...
Where to Not Park if You Don’t Want a Ticket
Posted 2:49pm Sunday 5th July 2020

An official information act request has revealed which streets and parking meters near campus produce the most amount of tickets. In the past three years, the University Campus area alone has racked up over 10,000 parking violations. In 2018 and 2019, the most infamous street for Read more...
University Libraries Reopen
Posted 7:36pm Thursday 21st May 2020

The University of Otago has reopened many libraries across campus with new social distancing measures in place. At the time of writing Central, Science, and Roberston libraries have fully reopened with new social distancing measures. Libraries initially opened with reduced hours, closing at 5pm. Read more...
UniPrint Pusheen the Limits of Copyright Law
Posted 7:09pm Thursday 12th March 2020

UniPrint may be using an unlicensed image of Pusheen in order to teach students how to print, which may be illegal. Last week it came to Critic’s attention that the Central Library division of UniPrint was using the cartoon cat, Pusheen, as a mascot on posters explaining to freshers how to Read more...
CRIME: Critic Intern’s Flat Broken Into
Posted 1:15pm Saturday 7th March 2020

On Friday evening, a Critic intern’s house was unlawfully entered and burglarized by an unknown assailant in an event that is all too common for students. The intern said he felt a “bit sad”. The intern’s band’s two guitar amps were taken, as well as a cordless Read more...

Jack Gilmore