Mi Goreng Graduate: Fish Cake

Posted 5:57pm Saturday 13th July 2024 by Ruby Hudson

Serves: 4 Time: 1 hr Price: $ Difficulty: 3/5 I don't know about you, but I am always on the hunt for a cheap source of protein. Tinned fish is an affordable and tasty way to get a bit of variation and protein into your diet. This week's fish cake recipe uses tinned tuna in a way Read more...

Salmond Fresher Catches Leith Fish With Bare Hands

Posted 8:25pm Sunday 5th May 2024 by Angus Rees

A Salmond College fresher successfully caught (and released) a massie trout in the Leith River a couple weeks ago. Johan Lokman, the resident who made the catch, reported the joys of his new-found hall clout in an interview with Critic Te Ārohi. Johan had been walking back to Salmond from Read more...

School of Fishermen Need Herring Aid

Posted 11:03pm Saturday 13th March 2021 by Oscar Paul

No one caught a fish at the Otago Salmon Angling Association’s (OSAA) fishing competition last Saturday.  In the fishing competition, 200 fishermen and fisherwomen had 24 hours to catch any Salmon, Kingfish or Kahawai in the Otago Harbour. The biggest fishes caught could net the Read more...

Who would win if the Rakaia Salmon and the Gore Giant Trout fought to the death?

Posted 9:56pm Tuesday 2nd March 2021 by Erin Gourley

In the centre of Gore stands a giant trout. On the outskirts of Rakaia stands a giant salmon. The fish are perched in the same pose — frozen in mid-air with cavernous maws agape. Separated by 452km of State Highway one, these twin titans of the South Island road trip are too far away to see Read more...

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