Reduced Grad Programmes a Cause for Concern

Posted 8:27pm Sunday 5th May 2024 by Gryffin Powell

Recent cuts by the National-led coalition government to public service graduate programmes have left some students fearful over job prospects after uni.  The National-led coalition has been trying to reduce government debt since coming to power last year, and while this reduction is being Read more...

Students Not Convinced By Government’s ‘Pet-Bond’ Policy

Posted 10:28pm Friday 26th April 2024 by Gryffin Powell

In a spate of new changes to renting legislation, the National coalition Government announced a new pet bond policy which claims that it will make rentals easier to find for pet owners. The pet bond of two weeks of rent aims to make landlords more accepting of the risk of letting a pet live at their Read more...

New Figures Show Suicide is at a Record High

Posted 10:32am Sunday 3rd September 2017 by Zahra Shahtahmasebi

According to figures released by Judge Deborah Marshall, New Zealand’s Chief Coroner, New Zealand’s suicide statistics have reached a record high. The numbers have continued to rise over the last three years, with 606 people taking their own lives during 2016-2017. New Zealand has one Read more...

Household Income Report Reveals No Sign of Change for Poorest Families

Posted 10:51am Sunday 30th July 2017 by Joe Higham

A Ministry of Social Development report has revealed that the cost of housing in New Zealand remains a significant impediment to lifting people out of poverty. The Household Income Report (HIR) highlights that, although poverty has declined in the ten years since the Global Financial Crisis, Read more...

Latest Poll: National Rises, Labour Fails BSNS103

Posted 10:50am Sunday 24th April 2016 by Joel MacManus

In the new One News-Colmar Brunton poll, Labour fell by two points to 28% while National rose three to a new high of 50%, and leader Andrew Little took a painful slide in the preferred Prime Minister rankings to 7%, coming in third behind Winston Peters. In an attempt to explain this, I refer to Read more...

The defamatory guide to NZ’s political youth wings

Posted 5:04pm Sunday 22nd April 2012 by Callum Fredric

To put a more positive spin on this article, think of it as a guide to help you decide which political youth wing you would be best suited to. Here’s a description of the stereotypical member of each of the youth branches of NZ’s political parties: Young NatsHoping to get hooked up with some Read more...

Sex, blackmail and head injuries

Posted 4:26pm Sunday 25th March 2012 by Callum Fredric

National MP Nick Smith has resigned from his ministerial roles after the first major Parliamentary scandal of the year. On July 7 last year, Dr. Smith wrote a letter to ACC in support of his “friend” Bronwyn Pullar, who was fighting a long-running battle with ACC after suffering a head injury in a Read more...

Dr Clark & Mr Woodhouse

Posted 3:03pm Saturday 25th February 2012 by Callum Fredric

Critic invited Dunedin based MPs Dr David Clark, and Michael Woodhouse to Eureka for a cheeky pint, and a chat about their student days, their politics, and their new roles in parliament. (Full Interview Transcript available at Critic What was your time as Otago Read more...

Dr Clark & Mr Woodhouse Interview Transcript

Posted 3:10pm Monday 27th February 2012 by Callum Fredric

22 February 2012 C = Critic | D = David Clark | M = Michael Woodhouse Callum: Can we start off with both of you having a bit of a chat about your time at Otago? What you studied, where you flatted, did you go to halls, etc. David: I came here at the start of the nineties, Read more...

Summer Political Roundup

Posted 3:39pm Friday 24th February 2012 by Callum Fredric

Summer isn’t all backyard cricket, beer and barbecues. In fact, New Zealand’s politicians have been working hard all summer to take away your freedom to engage in those activities. Here’s a roundup of what happened while you were away over the break ... Tea tapes Biggest letdown of 2012. The Read more...

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