North D Speed Cam Catches 207 in 30 Minutes

Posted 9:59pm Sunday 19th May 2024 by Gabrielle Scott

207 motorists were caught speeding in the span of 30 minutes in the North Dunedin area thanks to Transport Minister Simeon Brown’s targeted speed restriction plan. It was reported that almost seven speedsters were caught every minute to the dismay of Senior Sergeant Karl Read more...

Knife-wielding Vampire Robs Flat

Posted 3:07pm Sunday 10th March 2024 by Sam Smith-Soppet

On March 1st, someone posted photos to the Castle24 Facebook page of a guy sitting on the ground with a bleeding nose, surrounded by police. The post warned others that he’d been on a thieving spree in the neighbourhood before “the cops took him”.  The burglar — who Read more...

Outcry Over Positive RAT Sale

Posted 12:31pm Sunday 13th March 2022 by Sean Gourley

A local caused a minor uproar when he claimed to be selling positive COVID tests for just $49 on the Facebook group Otago Flatting Goods. It is unclear from the post whether the four tests on offer were being sold separately or as a pack, or if it was even a genuine offer. The post first asked Read more...

Is Noise Control Out of Control?

Posted 3:08pm Sunday 22nd August 2021 by Sean Gourley

Picture this: you’re in your third year of uni. It’s the end of February and you’re fizzing for a year of 21sts, grad celebrations and general piss ups. You move into your new flat on George Street, with an outdoor area perfectly suited for gigs. For pres on your first night you Read more...

Police Chase Leaves Students Baffled

Posted 1:29pm Monday 16th August 2021 by Fox Meyer

Students were excited and slightly concerned about a high speed police chase that went past the Business School on Tuesday 10 August at about 3.30pm. This makes it the second high speed chase down Union Street in just as many weeks. Second year Sam* saw the chase first-hand. “We were just Read more...

No Arrests After Rugby

Posted 2:26pm Sunday 18th July 2021 by Fox Meyer

Nobody was arrested at the stadium following the All Blacks vs Fiji game on Saturday, 10 July. Great job, everyone. There were still some dickheads, though. A statement from the Police said that “several people” had to be removed from the stadium by staff or officers for “poor Read more...

Police Target Otago Students With More Breathalysers

Posted 11:04am Tuesday 13th July 2021 by Erin Gourley

Otago students will be targeted for drink driving in a new police campaign, the Campus Cop has warned. This is a big PSA that there will be more breathalyser stops on the streets around campus, starting from Re-O Week. The new campaign will see cop stops with breathalysers stationed around North Read more...

Burglar Allegedly Cut Holes in Curtains to Peep

Posted 4:24pm Sunday 2nd May 2021 by Susana Jones

Police asked students on Dundas Street and Harbour Terrace to check their curtains for holes, after the arrest of a 32-year-old burglar who allegedly entered houses to cut peepholes in curtains.  A police spokesperson said that “these offences took place in the student area and some of Read more...

Police Presence Boosted at Flo and O

Posted 6:17pm Saturday 6th March 2021 by Denzel Chung

Police vans, as well as marked and unmarked police cars, regularly patrolled the Castle/Leith area during Flo and O Week, as early as 6pm. Critic can confirm that this wasn’t just a figment of boozed-up paranoia. There were actually more police than usual. On Big Red Finale night, two Read more...

Cops Still Don’t Get D&B, Gather Around Castle to Learn More

Posted 8:55pm Tuesday 2nd March 2021 by Alex Leckie-Zaharic

If you haven’t been permanently blinded by the flashing lights, sickly vape clouds, and freshers dancing like electrocuted cats along our favourite glass-paved party-street, you might have noticed the increased police presence during Flo and O-Week.  With cops lining either side of Read more...

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