How Reo Changes with Region

Posted 2:12pm Sunday 31st July 2022 by Skyla o Ngāti Hine

Te reo Māori is on the rise. Well actually, it has been for over forty years. Whether you’re from Dunedin or just here for the moment, you’re likely to have encountered the dialect of the Kāi Tahu iwi here in Ōtepoti. And while the mita is distinctly different from Read more...

MĀOR110 Te Reo Aptitude Assessment gets the Axe

Posted 2:46pm Monday 25th July 2022 by Skyla & Fox Meyer

For the first time, Health Sci First Year (HSFY) students can take “Intro to Conversational Māori” (MĀOR110) as an optional eighth paper. Last week, the University repealed an entrance requirement to the paper barring students with virtually any te reo background, lest they Read more...

Kūmara: How One Word Crossed the Pacific

Posted 3:02pm Sunday 12th September 2021 by Karamea Pēwhairangi, Te Āwhina Pounamu Waikaramihi, and Fox Meyer

About 1,000 years ago, a Polynesian navigator made a historic trade. Goods from the Pacific were exchanged for a stubby, brownish root vegetable from the foothills of Peru. There, on a presumably sunny day on the South American coast, kūmara was introduced to Polynesia. It’s called Read more...

Iwi Dialects: Because Te Reo Isn’t the Same Everywhere

Posted 3:34pm Sunday 12th September 2021 by Students of Te Roopū Māori

Growing up in Aotearoa, chances are you’ve learned a bit of te reo here and there. While you might think there is a one-size-fits all approach, that’s not the case. All across Aotearoa, different iwi in different regions each have their own individual dialects of te reo. Listed below are Read more...

When Worlds Collide: Overcoming Technological Hurdles to Te Reo

Posted 3:57pm Sunday 12th September 2021 by Elliot Weir

The digital world can provide a place for te reo Māori to thrive, but a number of technological hurdles stand in the way. One of the largest problems is with autocorrect and spell check.  Students found it annoying when te reo words autocorrected to English words. Other times, kupu have Read more...

Te Reo Māori: Tōku Hononga Ki Te Whaiao, Ki Te Ao Marama

Posted 1:43am Saturday 11th September 2021 by Madison Chambers-Coll

Kei āku whetū, kei āku manu taki, kei āku hunga tiaki, ko koutou ngā pou, ngā kaitohutohu o tōku ao. Kei āku toka tū i te moana, tē mutu te aroha i a koutou rā. Nei rā āku mihi. Ko te reo Māori, koinei te reo e Read more...

GUEST EDITORIAL | Nau mai ngā hua o Mahuru Māori

Posted 12:50am Saturday 11th September 2021 by Karamea Pēwhairangi

Mauri ora ki a tātau katoa.  Nau mai haere mai ki tēnei perehitanga mo Te Arohi! Kaore he kore e mōhiotia whānuitia koutou ko te kaupapa mo tēnei wiki, ko te reo Māori. Ko ōna pikinga, me ōna hekenga i roto i ngā tau kua hōri. Hei kupu Read more...

Te Ao Māori Becomes Compulsory In Law Degrees

Posted 3:47pm Sunday 16th May 2021 by Erin Gourley

Tikanga and te ao Māori will now be taught in all of the core papers of a law degree, after a unanimous vote on Friday 7 May by the Council of Legal Education. The Council of Legal Education sets the requirements for all LLB courses in Aotearoa.  President of Te Roopū Whai Read more...

OPINION: Priority Should Be Given to Māori Students When it Comes to Teaching Te Reo

Posted 1:23am Sunday 14th March 2021 by Annabelle Vaughan

The use of te reo Māori has been revived over the past five years. Both non-Māori and Māori are now open to learning the language. However, with this spike in popularity comes the need for the appropriate resources and infrastructure to ensure that anybody who wishes to learn te reo Read more...

Pike ake, kake ake ki Te Māhia e!

Posted 6:37pm Thursday 14th March 2019 by Tama Tū

(brackets are Māori translations)     My head and body break the cloudy surface. A fear of drowning brings me up quickly. Blurred vision, and a salty gasp of air. I dive and I dive. Something erupts inside me and I roar triumphant! Flesh is goosebumped and muscle is defined Read more...

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te reo