If you haven’t heard, the uni has a new proctor scoping the campus out. Having served in Afghanistan and the Solomon Islands will no doubt prepare him for the battleground of Castle Street.
A British court has convicted a man of plotting a chemical attack and planning to kill Prince Charles to pave the way for the ginger-haired Prince Harry to become king. As a ginger myself, I have to say these actions aren’t representative of all gingers.
Unfortunately the Popemobile isn’t being given a spin in the USA during the Pope’s first trip there. Instead, he is cruising around in an average Fiat.
If you’re a somehow rich student looking to invest in a bit of property, check out this absolute steal in Wellington, which features a lookout in its ceiling that is oddly in the shape of a fish tank.
You’re out of luck, with a US judge ruling that no one has copyright for one of the world’s most recognisable songs.