As we wind down the semester and head for our latest work holiday somewhere around the equator, we thought we’d reflect on the highlights and lowlights of the semester past.
Hugh: My favourite part of the semester here at Critic was watching Joe tell all that he had in fact turned vegan. A big part, if not the biggest part of becoming vegan as many will understand, is informing all those around you that you are indeed a vegan. So watching Joe pass out pamphlets on campus about his new lifestyle and moral highground has brought me the most satisfaction over this first half of the year.
Lucy: The best part of working at Critic is messing with the facts and figures and then seeing angry letters come in. The second best part is working with the feature writers. Also —huge thanks to our volunteers for all your work! We love you and most of you stick to deadlines—amazing. Ceri told me about dickbutt.
Laura: What I liked about critic this semester: working with a bunch of super rad and talented people, the font choices, Joe’s veganism, the seance, the features, the Weekly Doubt and Ceri’s awesome illustrations. Also starting pet news, a dream come true.
Ceri: I told Lucy about dickbutt. I learned that squats are easier when there are kittens. I fought for fair media representation for Comic Sans. I had a Bonding Experience™ over a medical history podcast. I drew some pictures. 10/10 A+ time.
Joe: Discovering Jesus has a plan for me, to be a vegan. But being British I’m unsure if I will live the life god intended of me or return to the land of my Queen, Liz.
Henry: Learning to love Metiria Turei has been a fascinating and fabulous journey for me. This semester, Joe’s vegan journey and the lively debates in the office have made me see the light on a lot of things - feminism, the evils of land ownership, and that Jesus has a plan for me also.
Natasha: Total low point: when I came to work the morning after the seance and was greeted with the special aroma of stale piss and a mural of candle wax covering the floor, desks and chairs. The office looked like the aftermath of frenzied wax giant circle-jerk. Highlight, one time I peeked over at Ceri’s desk and she was showing Lucy dickbutt.
Critic team