Mould Growing on Bathroom Ceiling Actually New Form of Cheese

Mould Growing on Bathroom Ceiling Actually New Form of Cheese

Fourth-year Human Nutrition student Emma Greenwood recently discovered that what she previously thought was deadly black mould is actually a delicious new form of cheese.

She said, “My flatmate spilled a bottle of milk upstairs last semester, and we all kinda couldn’t be bothered to clean it up. I guess it soaked through our shitty uninsulated floor and started to cultivate on the roof.”

Greenwood is currently working on pouring more milk upstairs in her flat to mass produce the product. The cheese has a delicate taste of both sweet cream and flat beer, with an aftertaste of cigarette ash.

This article first appeared in Issue 17, 2019.
Posted 6:02pm Thursday 25th July 2019 by The Critical Tribune.