Queenstown. 2017. One woman. Three boys.
After a long day on the slopes, it seemed only right to indulge in a little après ski. The weather was hot for September and so were my hormones. We started the night as any fresher on a ski trip would, with a few cheeky bevvies in our hostel room hoping the security wouldn't catch on.
As things escalated so did the crowd and we soon found ourselves on the beach. Little did everyone knows while they were Instagramming the sunset, I was hitting the right swipe like a castle street breather needing a good slamming. My first catch was a boy who happened to be staying at the same hostel. I slipped away from the group, seemingly unnoticed and met my man before proceeding (no pleasantries) to his hostel room. He assured me on the way that it would just be him and I in the room because "all his mates were far too pissed to get laid tonight." A reasonable amount of upwards foreplay ensued along with the adequate amount of pre-lubrication. I made the hike on to his top bunk (out of eight bunks on offer) and he teased his reasonably sized cock into me. As things tend to do the sway of the bunk escalated and we only just managed to stop the entirety of the structure from collapsing under our sheer fornication (I'm talking feet on the roof, bracing myself, screaming, drilling me from on top primal fucking) when he does an unexpected one too and seems is done with his play thing for the night.
Pleasantries exchange quickly and as I climb down from our ivory tower and exit my little ecstasy bunk I look to one of his dear friends finishing into his stomach, clearly having enjoyed the night's festivities (tick voyeurism off the list, babes). As I stroll back to my fellow first years I see that no one has clearly missed me but am also aware of the growing need to find someone to follow the job through to completion.
Fast-forward two hours and I find myself grinding against a reasonably looking fella in the infamous Winnies. It’s going well. I can feel him grow as I grind and it’s not long before he invites me back to his place (another hostel but at least a without the fear of bumping into number one and his wishful watcher).