Five time sink mobile game apps

Five time sink mobile game apps

Neko Atsume

Rating: A-

Neko Atsume is an adorable cat collection game. You start off with a small yard, and you are given some fish. You use this to buy goodies, to deck out your garden with cat food and toys. Leave the app open in the background and do something else. Slowly but surely, cats will start to show up in your yard. The more you interact with the game, the more cats will show up. You can take photos of the cats to save to an in-game album or upload onto Twitter. It’s cute, and ultimately pointless, but addictive nonetheless. 

Combo Quest

Rating: B

This game makes use of 8-bit art and music to achieve a retro aesthetic.  A dragon has taken the Combo Crown which you must now earn back. You defeat enemies and get a reward, for example, more HP or health regeneration. The goal is to get as far as possible on a single life, when you die, you go back to the start, but keep your rewards. The more you beef up (your sword will get bigger and cooler) the harder the foes. There’s a sliding scroll which you have to tap at the right time to attack and defend. If you tap at the wrong time, you’ll hurt yourself and kill yourself faster.

Tap Titans

Rating: A

This game is seriously addictive. The art’s cool, and you barely have to think about it at all. You literally just tap monsters as fast as possible to attack them. Each monster gives you gold, you use gold to upgrade your character and add more heroes who fight alongside you. This game is an incredible time sink. You don’t even need to look at the screen 90 percent of the time.

Trivia Crack

Rating: B

Trivia Crack is an apt name, as it really is like crack. You complete against other players online, and answer questions from the following categories: art, sports, science, history, entertainment and world. If you get a question right, you answer another; if you get one wrong, it’s the next person’s turn. It’s fun beating people in knowledge-based things. This game truly makes you feel superior. And when you lose… it’s only because you momentarily forgot the answer.

Pocket Mortys

Rating: A-

Pocket Mortys is a Pokemon clone/parody based on the pinnacle of human entertainment, Rick and Morty. Mortys has you travelling between dimensions, capturing and combining Mortys to battle against those of other trainers (and Ricks). The game has a nice injection of familiar bombastic Rick and Morty humour and addictive Pokemon-esque gameplay. The game ends up repeating itself over and over until you realise that you’ve wasted the last week. But at least you’re one week closer to Rick and Morty Season Three!

This article first appeared in Issue 14, 2016.
Posted 12:43pm Sunday 10th July 2016 by Anonymous Bird and Brandon Johnstone.