Free Brekkie Times Extended and Menu Improved

Free Brekkie Times Extended and Menu Improved

Oh boy oh boy oh boy

For the Free Brekkie diehards out there, today is a blessed day. It has been announced by OUSA Clubs and Societies that, starting from the 9th of September, free brekkie will run from 8am to 10am, collectively adding an extra hour to the service – as well as some cheeky wee additions to the menu. 

The extended service couldn’t be better timed given recent grumblings over breakfast becoming a rather competitive affair – made worse by porridge-pinching students last semester (one of whom admitted to adding it to his sandwiches). Fresh fruit is being added to the menu of porridge, toast, and cereal. Thieves will now helpfully be easily identified by their banana-stenched backpacks.

But wait, there’s more! On Fridays, the menu is set to extend even further, with – oh, boy – a cooked breakfast of hash browns and baked beans. Talk dirty to me. Although fried breakfasts have been trialled by OUSA Clubs and Socs in the past, these have generally been events heavily attended due to notice being given well in advance. 

Speaking to the free brekkie revolution, one student, Bronwyn, said, “So many students don’t eat breakfast and it’s mainly just because they don’t have the time and so I think extending it is a way to help.” Another student Jack just said, “Cool, good idea, be there.” Pure poetry, mate.

In other OUSA Clubs and Socs news, the sauna is opening an hour earlier, meaning you can get your sweat on at 9am and then walk into your first lecture gross as fuck at 10am. In honour of this earlier opening time, a 50% discount will be offered on sauna sessions from 9am to 1pm from the 9th to the 22nd of September. And while these changes create the possibility of a sauna session/free brekkie cross-over, for the good of us all, just don’t.

This article first appeared in Issue 21, 2024.
Posted 3:08pm Saturday 7th September 2024 by Hugh Askerud.