Cronicles of Castle - 23

Not much has been happening in the ‘hood, most people cruised home for the break or headed to Wanaka and Queenstown to ‘carve up the fresh’, leaving me with some looney fence tagging and the odd story to share with you.

Addiction has become a prevalent problem up and down the street; people find that they can’t go two minutes let alone two days without their fix. When the heat comes on (normally around exam time), people seem to rely on it the most, attempting to keep their minds away from the struggles they face. Addicts can be easily identified with common traits becoming apparent after only a small amount of observation. They have their routines mastered and can type in their email and password in sub-five second times. Facebook addiction is a widespread, real life problem.
It has become second nature to check the ‘book as soon as the laptop is up and running. The addiction has lead to overuse, everyone has those annoying friends who mistake ‘What’s on your mind?’ with ‘What’s your petty, annoying problem?’. These are the ones with Facebook Tourette’s who do the cliché ‘OMG it’s snowing’ status. Then there are the classic flat chats, where completely unnecessary flat-related conversations are plastered all over News Feeds.
Anyways back to the ghetto. Code (rugby) chat is reaching new levels as the World Cup is finally upon us. Girls are gutted because boys are going to be sinking beers and watching code for the next month and a half. The only interaction with girls will most likely be a 2am ‘wea u?’ text, checking if anyone is DTF.
Despite no one even being at the Beehive, its continued destruction amazes even the most experienced Campus Watch. The lounge has taken on a new colour scheme as some dickheads sprayed the walls with BBQ sauce and flour, being applied in what looks like an abstract style. One poor boy had already headed home for the break when a yobbo obliterated the door to his room. There’s rumours that the culprit was in fact a girl who must have been desperate for to have the ‘guru of gash’ deal to her (these rumours may or may not be true). But considering the door was deadbolted in two places, I think it was more likely a boy (no sexism intended). That’s about all for now, but I’m sure the code will give us some good yarns. Oh and if anyone knows who retro girl up Treble Cone was, let me know so I can Facebook stalk her.
Posted 3:08am Monday 12th September 2011 by Sam Reynolds.