Execrable - 26
At an Exec meeting that briefly threatened to leave the realms of interminable boredom, the Exec finally passed the 2012 OUSA Budget. The savvy Exec had recommended two different budgets, since at the time of the meeting the VSM bill still hadn’t been passed. The next day it passed, meaning all the work put into the “non-VSM” budget was effectively a giant waste of time. Kind of like the Executive as a whole, some would say.
Moving on to more interesting items, the third quarter Executive reports were passed at the meeting, which kicked off with Katie’s request that the person whose report was being discussed leave the room at the time, purportedly to allow for a more ‘open discussion’. This proved endlessly entertaining, as upon each Exec member’s departure from the room the rest of the team had the option to descend into a barrage of bitching about the person. A short summary of their overall efficacy is that the female Exec members are doing an absolutely top job, while certain male Exec members range from the merely useless to the fully-blown incompetent.
Despite concerns about some Execcies’ performance being comparable to the bedroom prowess of a first year male from Cumberland after two trays of SoGos, no one seemed prepared to pick up the balls to move a motion that any particular member have their honorarium deducted. Very cosy. Francisco then expressed concerns about the process of chewing people out when they weren’t in the room, but Katie responded that she was happy to do so, and had in the past simply said the same things to the offender’s face anyway.
After that little awkward moment, the appearance of chocolate from Logan’s bag was a welcome sight. The full lycra suit sported by Mr President was another matter entirely. He had apparently just come back from a ‘ride’, so Critic is speculating that the stained and frayed couch in his office must be getting more of a workout than usual these days. Unfortunately the identity of the Monica Lewinsky with the spandex fetish is still unknown.
Whoever he has his eye on, Critic understands that thankfully Katie is escaping his predatory advances. She informed the meeting that Logan was the only Exec member to have thrown up on her this year, a fact which she didn’t seem all that pleased about. Sarah astutely pointed out that at least it was vomit, and not some other bodily fluids that Logan had sprayed her with.