Critic Keen on Puns
Co-founder Emily Sutton describes Keen as “an app that enables people to spend less time with technology.”
The app allows its users to post about spontaneous events, in contrast to the more detailed planning that Facebook events typically involve, and integrates a Twitter-style notification and update system.
The Android version of the app was launched last Monday, and the Apple version is expected to arrive sometime this week.
Sutton, who is currently studying towards a Masters of Entrepreneurship at Otago, said that if the app proved successful in Dunedin it would also be launched in Auckland and Wellington. She is currently working with OUSA to investigate ways that the organisation could use Keen to promote its events.
Critic staff described Keen as “app-ropriately great,” and said that they were “keen” to try it out. One expressed reservations, however. “I’m app-rehensive,” he said. “I only have app-roximately one friend and he probably wouldn’t be appy to hang out with me because I’m not very app-roachable.” Critic was app-alled at his app-arent lack of social skills, but app-lauds his honesty.