The OUSA executive kicked off the year funding a student political radio show on Otago Access Radio, despite students already having access to broadcast through Radio One.
The executive voted last Monday to support the show hosted by Tyler West to be held on Otago Access Radio. The show would be focused on student political news where youth and campus based groups would be interviewed.
However, Administrative Vice President Jarred Griffiths did raise a number of concerns with West’s original proposal asking why he saw a benefit to host a student based radio show on a paid station while Radio One is available. West responded saying his prior efforts to host the show on Radio One were unsuccessful due to scheduling clashes with his personal life. Griffiths went on to say he would not be comfortable permitting the use of OUSA branding on the show.
“I wouldn’t feel comfortable having OUSA’s branding on the show, but I would feel comfortable funding the show” said Griffiths.
The issue on possible censorship of the show was also raised by Griffiths who contended that having an OUSA funded show could create a situation where the executive may choose to discontinue the show if it was inconsistent with its views.
“As an executive as well we need to recognise that if we provide the money and you say something that is not really our positon it shouldn’t be a case of censorship and I think that’s a real risk that you say something that we don’t agree with. I don’t want [the executive] to then be in a position where we say hold on we can actually pull the show” said Griffiths.
The cost of show was proposed in two options. Option one offered 13 weekly or fortnightly shows running for fifty six minutes which totalled at $494. Option two was presented as a more conservative $260 for 13 twenty six minute shows.
The executive opted to fund the show through option one which Jarred Griffiths called a “minuscule amount”.