The second OUSA Referendum for the year will be held between the 9th-11th October. For those of you who have questions or concerns about particular questions there will be a forum on Wednesday (4th October) at 12pm which will be held downstairs at the OUSA Clubs and Societies Centre on Albany Street.
- That the 2018 OUSA budget be accepted in its entirety?
- That OUSA pay the President the equivalent of 40 hours minimum wage, the education, welfare, finance and vice-president the equivalent of 20 hours minimum wage, and all the portfolio officers the equivalent of 10 hours minimum wage?
- That OUSA utilise a portion of its reserves to invest in alternative income opportunities as a means of diversifying income and increasing independence?
- That OUSA sell the OUSA Aquatic Centre?
- That OUSA sell the OUSA Squash Courts?
- That the following amendments to the Constitution be accepted:
- Article 37.6 be amended to read: '37.6 Every member enrolled will be entitled to exercise a vote for each Executive position by ranking any number of nominated persons, including no confidence, in order of preference, except as otherwise provided in these Rules and as follows: a. Only non-New Zealand citizen members may vote for the International Students’ Portfolio. b. Only Post Graduate members may vote for the Post Graduate Portfolio.'
- Article 39.1 of the Constitution be amended to read: '39.1 All Executive Officers will be elected by general ballot using the alternative vote (AV) system
- That OUSA works to have a couple of microwaves placed in the Robertson Library?
- That OUSA oppose any University support staff redundancies in the University's Support Services Review?
- That OUSA oppose any University staff redundancies as a result of the proposed restructure within the School of Physical Education?
- That OUSA become a living wage employer?
- That OUSA amend its constitution to achieve a gender-balanced executive?
- That OUSA amend its constitution to limit the term of any Executive Officer to two terms?