Critic Gets Street Sign Spelling Error Corrected

Critic Gets Street Sign Spelling Error Corrected

Critic boosts its street cred

Critic corrected a spelling mistake not in our magazine, but in real life. We’re cool, promise. 

Since 26 April, the street sign on Ethel McMillan Pl has read “Ethel McMillian Pl”. Critic’s intrepid reporter stared at the sign for weeks wondering if they’d switched tracks into an alternate reality where it was Ethel McMillian Pl the whole time. Eventually they emailed the DCC, whose spokesperson said “the spelling is wrong – it should read ‘Ethel McMillan Pl’. We will get this fixed as soon as possible.”

The Critic reporter was so relieved that they weren’t crazy that they wrote an article about it. Watch this space for the new street sign to be installed. We will be. 

This article first appeared in Issue 17, 2019.
Posted 6:14pm Thursday 25th July 2019 by Esme Hall.