Editorial | Issue 11
Posted 7:08pm Sunday 13th May 2012
As you may have been able to tell from the cover, we’re having a look at drugs this week. Just as I am not allowed to print anything in Critic about people peeing on each other for sexual pleasure, I’m also not allowed to say anything that might incite or promote drug taking. So I won’t. But I can Read more...
Editorial | Issue 10
Posted 12:51am Monday 7th May 2012
Ol’ Uncle John and his bestie Steven Joyce have been making some changes to the student loan and student allowance system. The stupidest change they’ve come up with is to limit the student allowance to four years of study. Sure, some students who are onto their fifth year are fucking around, Read more...
This one’s for the Boys
Posted 4:56pm Sunday 29th April 2012
Ladies, you can probably skip reading this article: it’s about preventing rape and sexual violence, so it really doesn’t concern you. This is something that the guys need to talk about. Before hordes of angry feminists knock down my door and emolliate me on the Union Lawn, I have a point Read more...
Editorial | Issue 9
Posted 4:56pm Sunday 29th April 2012
It is Rape Awareness Week this week. Nobody needs to be told that rape and sexual violence exist, but the extent of the problem is something that far too many people are ignorant of. The statistics are so shocking they are incredibly hard to believe: One in four women will suffer some form of sexual Read more...
Editorial | Issue 8
Posted 5:04pm Sunday 22nd April 2012
I ’ve been around these parts for a while now. Apart from a few years there where I dropped out of Uni and wandered aimlessly around the northern hemisphere, I’ve spent most of my adult life in Dunedin. As I rode my incredibly hipster fixie bike around North D last weekend, I was struck by how much Read more...
Broadcasting Standards Authority agrees: Stoners are cool
Posted 3:53pm Sunday 15th April 2012
The Broadcasting Standards Authority (BSA) has sided with Otago University student radio station Radio One, after a complaint by an Australian based GP about the radio station’s show Overgrown. The show, which is produced by pro-cannabis protest group NORML, and is hosted by NORML Read more...
Editorial | Issue 7
Posted 3:53pm Sunday 15th April 2012
I hate Easter. Hate it. It’s not the idea of having two days off work that I’m opposed to. I am of course, totally down with that. My issue is with ol’ JC and his peeps. If you’re down with Christ, and like to get down with other people that like him too, then man it must be sweet to have the Read more...
Editorial | Issue 6
Posted 7:07pm Sunday 1st April 2012
My day at Hyde Street began before sunrise. Cycling down from the NEV I could already hear the DJs playing as I passed the Richardson building. It was an energetic pre-dawn beginning to what was going to be an exhausting day. I spent hours and hours filming and taking still photos. I was there when Read more...
Editorial | Issue 5
Posted 4:26pm Sunday 25th March 2012
The first OUSA elections of the post-VSM era took place last week. The usual 10% or so of students bothered to vote – actually not a bad turnout for a by-election – and four new Execies have joined Logan and the rest on the Student Executive. However, even those who voted might be asking, Read more...
Editorial | Issue 4
Posted 4:27pm Sunday 18th March 2012
I never got behind the Occupy movement, despite agreeing with most of the many and varied changes that they were calling for. I never spent a night asleep in the Octagon; I never bashed away on my keyboard writing about their campaign to make the world a fairer, better place. Occupy failed to Read more...
Joe Stockman
Editor 2012