Dunedin Through International Eyes

Posted 8:39pm Sunday 3rd June 2012

I estimate that as I endure my stressful daily routine - sleeping, eating, considering going to lectures, deciding in the negative, sleeping, Facebooking, quick trip to Sav Jap, illegal downloading, sleeping again - I spend about 94.6% of that time thinking about how much I hate Dunedin (the other Read more...

Wasted Time

Posted 7:40pm Sunday 27th May 2012

A couple of years ago, Tommy was at a birthday party in an Auckland hotel room. It was someone’s 18th, and by all accounts it was rowdier than an average Saturday night in the Botans. Lots of people texted their friends, who texted their dodgy friends, who texted their even dodgier friends. The Read more...

Eighteen and Pregnant

Posted 4:56pm Sunday 29th April 2012

Like most of my friends, I’m not a total stranger to the pregnancy scare. The sudden realisation that my period is late reminds me of the sudden realisation that I might have overdone it on the stimulants. Beads of sweat form on the brow, the heart starts ricocheting around the torso like a pinball Read more...

The Rise of Slackivism

Posted 3:53pm Sunday 15th April 2012

KONY 2012. If you don’t recognize the name, you are probably either A) A deaf-blind-mute, B) that Amish girl from my old FREN141 class, or B) living in a wifi-less hovel out at Aramoana with a sinister, scrawny man in horn-rimmed glasses named David. The 30-minute video, produced by American charity Read more...

Dunedin's Fashionistas

Posted 4:26pm Sunday 25th March 2012

Ah, Fashion Week. That sacred week in which the beautiful people come together to drink champagne, nibble at canapés, snort rockstar rails of coke and snark about other beautiful people. Decadent. Rarefied. Hectic. Fabulous. Or, you know, not, if you are lucky enough to live in Dunedin. Here, Read more...

Fuck me Baby

Posted 4:53pm Sunday 4th March 2012

Let me say first, that I am not a ‘sexpert’. I find most portmanteaus (‘guesstimate’, ‘Brangelina’, ‘vajazzling’) irritating in the extreme. Literally in the case of vajazzling, it turns out my vagina is allergic to diamantes. And if having had a lot of so-awful-it’s-funny sex makes me a ‘sexpert’, Read more...

Eat Pray Hate

Posted 4:26pm Friday 24th February 2012

The late, great Christopher Hitchens said that the most overrated things in life are champagne, anal sex and lobster. The man was right about most things (the absence of a god for one), but on these points I cannot agree. I enjoy a nice glass of Veuve, and I am quite happy to be fucked in the arse Read more...

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