Legitness Jean Fitness

Posted 8:14pm Sunday 26th May 2024 by Jodie Evans

It’s academic weapon season, a time of the year when productivity is key. Everyone’s life is scheduled to the minute in a meticulously planned spreadsheet to the point where a slight deviation is mania-inducing. Like a Te Araroa walker drilling holes in their toothbrush to lighten the Read more...

Unipol Step Fit Legend Retires to Save Lives

Posted 2:37pm Sunday 2nd October 2022 by

Three years and 340 classes later, Unipol Step Fit legend Corben Brown has officially retired from his position as a group fitness instructor to take a job at the Dunedin Hospital as a junior doctor. So, fair enough, really. Critic Te Ārohi nabbed the local star for a chat after his last class Read more...

Unipol: Opioid of the masses?

Posted 1:52pm Saturday 24th September 2022 by Hugh Askerud

It’s a Saturday night. You’ve decided to do scrumpy hands and are midway through the second bottle feeling at the top of your game. Then it strikes you: that ‘what the fuck am I doing’ sort of feeling that inevitably leaves you in tears. Everyone has moments like this, where Read more...

The Ultimate Guide to a Dunedin Summer Body

Posted 2:00pm Monday 20th September 2021 by Sean Gourley

Spring in Dunedin has arrived. It is the time of the year to drag our pasty bodies and damaged livers back from the brink of collapse and get them ready for the joys of the summer season. With Unipol restricted and many sports winding up, it can be a struggle to find a routine in these uncertain Read more...

Some Gymmers Still Ignoring Unipol’s Level 2 Rules

Posted 1:08am Saturday 11th September 2021 by Denzel Chung

With the drop to Alert Level 2 came the long-awaited re-opening of Unipol. However, it seems that gym-deprived students have not been obeying the new Level 2 restrictions.  Unipol announced their re-opening in a Facebook post last Wednesday evening, saying that their doors would open for the Read more...

OUSA sells Unipol shares for cash monies

Posted 5:04pm Sunday 22nd April 2012 by Charlotte Greenfield

OUSA no longer has a stake in Unipol, after selling the last of its shares to the University last week. OUSA will be paid $296,000 for its shares, and receive a settlement return of $370,000 from a loan dating back to the 1980s, putting the total amount that OUSA will receive at $666k. When Critic Read more...

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