Aquinas Room Security Still An Issue
Posted 1:28pm Sunday 14th April 2024 by Hugh Askerud
Allegations of break-ins at Aquinas have proven to be true, despite the college stating that “locks are up to date.” Critic Te Ārohi has received evidence of residents accessing specific locked rooms with the use of only a student ID. A series of differing lock mechanisms has meant Read more...
Guard who Dispensed "Sauce Fines" Apparently Unlicenced
Posted 11:24pm Friday 8th July 2022 by Denzel Chung and Fox Meyer
The security guard who allegedly called a student “stupid” and “selfish” after issuing her a $300 fine for “stealing” a packet of tomato sauce no longer appears to be working at Night N’ Day or Pak ‘N Save, where he was also employed. This may Read more...
Bandana Burglar Behind Bars
Posted 1:19pm Sunday 20th March 2022 by Zak Rudin
Nicholas Scott Kerr, aged 33, has been unmasked as the notorious bandana burglar. Kerr was at large between 2018 and 2020, during which time he broke into student flats, stole 51 items worth over $22,000, and cut holes in the curtains of seven female students. Kerr used the alias “Samantha Read more...
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