Nicolas Cage’s Filmography
One Critic staff member has taken it upon themselves to watch every single Nic Cage film ever – down to a ten second appearance as an extra. The challenge of being locked in ‘The Cage’ involves over 130 films with his name attached. The original plan was to watch at least two films a day to finish a feature by the last issue of the year, but after some well-being concerns from other Critic staff (valid) the task has been moved to next year. So far there have been some bangers: Valley Girl, Racing with the Moon, Birdy and Vampire’s Kiss. We can’t guarantee all the films will go hard, but how else are you going to know? There will be an update on the last 118 films left to watch (provided he doesn’t star in any more).
An autobiography
Looking for something to read? Have a deep dive into the world of autobiographies. Sometimes stalking a celeb’s entire existence on Instagram just isn't enough. Have a look and see if any of your fav celebs have an autobiography – they can be both educational and inspiring, offering a rich tapestry of personal and historical insight. If you're into music, one Critic staff member recommends ‘Acid for the Children,’ which is the life and experiences of Flea, the bassist of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. The book tells of Flea's life, influences, and journey in the world of music. Shit goes hard, ngl.
Hunter and Sam’s ‘Epic Style Radio Moment’ (Mondays 7-9pm on Radio One 91FM)
Do you enjoy incredible chat and the dopest tunes to ever have been made? Epic Style Radio Moment is the place to go for this! Bringing you the best after dark, no supervision content to be put out on the air, the craziest interviews from the biggest names in Dunedin (we would like to think) and phattest tunes in the world. Whether during your nightly stare-at-the-ceiling-in-bed time or driving home from a late workout sesh at Unipol (no need to flex), they’ve got you covered. This definitely wasn’t written by the hosts who just so happen to also work at Critic.
John Wilson Drive at sunset
Obviously you’d need to pick a nice day for this one, but what could be better as the days start to get longer than parking up at John Wilson Drive with your mates and having a picnic to watch the gentle descent of the sun? Nothing, that’s what. Just you, your Burger King Rebel Whopper, and the silhouette of (likely freezing) surfers against the pastel backdrop of the sunset. Oh, yeah, that’s where the magic happens. It’s also that time of year when everyone starts looking to the future – summer plans, who’s doing what and where, and having a crisis about the hill you all have to climb to get there (if you even know where “there” is). But don’t worry: with a sunset that pretty, all your worries will fade away!
Bird of the Year & Predator Free NZ
With all the goss happening with Bird of the Year at the moment (shoutout Pukunui), now is a great time to learn more about the Predator Free New Zealand project and show some support to local groups working to restore Dunedin’s ecosystems. Groups like Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Group, City Sanctuary, and Halo Project do a great job supporting local birds, but even adding a backyard trap to your flat, or reporting that cheeky possum hanging round Cosy Dell can go a long way in supporting not only your vote for the coolest bird, but all native flora and fauna. But not before you vote Pukunui for Bird of the Year.
Your Disney+ subscription
Think about it: when was the last time Disney+ had anything you were actually keen to watch outside of the occasional crave for a Pirates of the Caribbean marathon or nostalgia trip down Barbie movie lane? Chances are you have a mate whose login is still in your laptop that you can scab off for the occasional family friendly comfort movie, anyway. It’s fine, they probably owe you from that one time when you planned a surprise trip home and they spoiled the surprise for your grandma. Or when they got too drunk at the girls’ cocktail night you had to pay for their drinks after they were escorted home. It all balances out in the end. Cancel your subscription and jump on theirs with only a slightly guilty conscience.