ODT Watch | Issue 17

ODT Watch | Issue 17

If you can't beat it, embrace it

Poor Dent students, their beloved Medical Library is being moved to make way for animal testing facilities! Hang on a minute … is it just us, or is anyone else concerned about how animal testing is deemed a lesser concern than dentistry students missing out on a study space that isn’t even theirs?

Damn it, did some kid take a crap in the pool again?

ODT provides some progressive tips for a lasting and affectionate marriage: separate televisions and decoders, and “knowing when to speak and when to shut up.” Though according to the pictured couple, this is just the trick as they celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary.

It must be easy to settle in when ODT respectfully refers to immigrants as human beings and not objects …

The battle to combat obesity has come to its climax: if you can’t beat it, embrace it. Props to the burger place for their great customer service; not all fast food joints cater to the needs of their more frequent patrons.

Great article on Kate Middleton doing a general mother-related act. Perhaps next time ODT will engage us with an article on her diaper changing adventures or breast-feeding exploits.
This article first appeared in Issue 17, 2014.
Posted 10:15pm Sunday 27th July 2014 by Kristen Stewart and Allison Hess.