Antiherstamines are antihistamines for women
Hersterectomies are hysterectomies for women
His-t-erect-omies are hysterectomies for men
Despite their reputation, cows are actually land mammals - they only go out to sea to die
If you are making a cake and you don’t have enough eggs, you can substitute an egg
Crying is just sweating out your eyes
Hyde Street is so named because it can turn invisible
Forth street is so named because it is worse than Hyde, Leith, and Castle
Union Street is so named because we are all unified by love and togetherness, buzzing around this existential plane and feeling each other’s energy.
Sports are skorts for sporks
The Hyde Street Party was originally just a large street market for discount recreational drugs.
There is a direct link between the length of your beard and the amount of weed in your pocket at any given time.
OUSA President Caitlin Barlow-Groome is secretly a lizard person planted by our shape-shifting evil reptilian underlords to control ur minds! Wake up sheeple!
Harlene Hayne has her own theme song which must play every time she walks into a University Council meeting. It’s Freestyler by Bomfunk MC’s.