Lecture Theatre Bingo

Lecture Theatre Bingo

Lectures can be fucking boring. This could be because you’re doing a degree you hate, your lecturer has the worst voice in the world or says “um” too much. Or it could just be a ceebs that day. Critic Te Ārohi has now invented a solution for when you have run out of Cool Maths Games: Lecture Theatre Bingo. You can find out if your class is full of Neutral Evil (Law), Lawful Good (theatre) or True Neutral (Surveying). Have fun, there are no prizes, leave us alone. 

(24 total squares to fill with names)

Lawful Good: 

Real One 
actually taking notes

Mummy’s Boy 
texting a relative 


Neutral Good:

Wordle Enthusiast  
playing the daily Wordle 

The Sheatha 
doing a makeup routine 


Chaotic Good:

Sweaty Gamer 
pulling Pokémon cards 

dropping something loudly

Woke Liberal 
lecturer references a meme 


Lawful Neutral:

All Wake No Bake 
sober at an 8am lecture

The Influencer 
taking selfies in class, bonus if you’re in the background 


True Neutral:

asleep in a lecture (real) 

The Hat Guy 
wearing a hat inside 

Cotton-On Crackhead 
online shopping


Chaotic Neutral:

The Music-head 
listens to their music too loud 

The Lover 
your lecture theatre crush pulls up 


Lawful Evil: 

doodling instead of notes even though they brought paper 
Locked In 
studying a different paper to the one you’re in 


Neutral Evil: 

Tetris Time-Waster 
tetris gamer 

The Perseverer 
chronically late (by at least 15 minutes) 

The Opp 
your lecture theatre opp pulls up 

Smelt and Dealt
a vocal, potent fart

Cough Criminal 
coughing throughout a lecture  


Chaotic Evil: 

someone tries to correct the lecturer 

Brain Rot 
scrolling Instagram Reels 

Finish and Forget 
the accidental Porn-hub opening computer-smash combo!

This article first appeared in Issue 5, 2025.
Posted 9:25pm Sunday 23rd March 2025 by Zoe Eckhoff.