ODT Watch | Issue 16
Posted 3:59pm Sunday 21st July 2013

In what had the potential to provide relief for anyone traumatised by Chucky or any of its incarnations, Tuesday’s headlines promised: Unfortunately, one of the biggest news stories of the week instead covered a doll auction accompanied by one of its creepiest images to date. Read more...
ODT Watch | Issue 13
Posted 3:03pm Sunday 26th May 2013

Thus begins the saga of Otago citizen Cha’nelle Smith (e-mail: sexiihunii4u@hotmail.com). Delighted at the prospect of nabbing a bargain at Dunedin’s fashion Mecca (maybe even that stylish wee number from Pagani?), she and her best gal-pals made the trip in from South D. “A sale is just what Read more...
ODT Watch | Issue 12
Posted 1:24pm Sunday 19th May 2013

High drama abounded in North Dunedin this week when union picketers made the foolhardy decision to protest outside Maccas on Sunday afternoon. Evidently, years of fast food retail had not prepared the protestors for the intense grease cravings that accompany the end of the weekend and, as Read more...
ODT Watch | Issue 10
Posted 4:00pm Sunday 5th May 2013

It was all puns and pictures in the last week of the ODT, beginning with this unfortunately titled misplaced photo. The intended photo was meant to be of a helicopter pilot and his wife, but somehow the mix-up managed to slip through the eagle-eyed attention of the editors, who Read more...
ODT Watch | Issue 08
Posted 5:13pm Sunday 21st April 2013

This week, the ODT essentially calls a world-renowned vet a sheep shagger. Meanwhile, things were “heating up” (lolzz) in Cromwell when the volunteer fire brigade was pulled out of the pub to attend to a patch of grass. But the action didn’t stop there, with the Read more...
ODT Watch | Issue 07
Posted 5:49pm Sunday 14th April 2013

As any keen cunthunter in Monkey can attest, getting it in two holes is indeed fortunate. Later, the ODT celebrated the cultural submergence of some singing students, despite the fact that a visit to the Chinese Gardens prepares you for Beijing like NCEA prepares you for the real Read more...
ODT Watch | Issue 06
Posted 4:40pm Sunday 7th April 2013

The ODT sought to get right amongst the spirit of the holidays, reporting on key Easter issues such as the number of New Zealanders who claimed rabbit, egg, and hot cross bun-related injuries last year. Apparently (incorrectly) assuming their average reader has an intelligence level Read more...
ODT Watch | Issue 05
Posted 6:30pm Sunday 24th March 2013

Ironically, given the ODT’s penchant for terrible puns, they found grounds to mock some other publications in their Weekend story, “Pig on a Mission”: Clearly gutted to have missed out on the opportunity to utilise any of the above hilarious titles, the ODT relegated this story to the Read more...
Jess Cole